Toronto Burger and Fries Price Metric Thread, June 2023 and onwards

Not everyone likes the Unhinged Jaw Burger.


You know what’s not cool though, fact checkers that don’t. TL’s cheap eats sneaks the Friday Burger in at $10 even though it’s $14 and more expensive on delivery apps. Dated yesterday too.


I was laughing when someone I have known since the early days of eGullet was hired by BlogTO.

She didn’t do any of the research an ordinary Chowhound or ordinary HungryOnion might do.

It was underlings combing restaurant sites, Instagram, HungryOnion and Reddit , finding the best brunches, cheapest nachos, checking prices, etc. I look back , and think of all the accurate lists I’ve compiled pro bono, when I could have been paid to do a crappier job in 2022 and 2023.


No one puts in the work anymore. There’s just no budget for it. Even newspapers compile from other sources from time-to-time. The days of the respected critic are long gone.


Very good $8.50 Cdn Beginner Burger from Aloette Go.

Regular Fries $5, loaded St Paddy’s fries $10

A couple tables for 2 outside, at the Liberty Village location.

Thanks for the recommendation, @PedroPero


'tis a decent burger, gonna hit em up again in the summer.


June 2023 menu prices. Burger is $28

The Oxley’s lunch menu on April 1, 2024. The burger is still $28, but the fish & chips and pithivier have crept up a bit in price.

The Dog & Tiger closed, and an Italian restaurant called Contralta opened in the space.

I’ve never been to Oxley but it seems the prices cater to the neighbourhood. Not only the burger and fish & chips (but I can understand the fish depending on which fish they use), but $26 for mussels?

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I used to be a semi-regular customer. I like the atmosphere. I used to eat lunch at the bar fairly often before March 2020.

While the Sunday roast and sticky toffee are very good, I find most of the food in the past 3 years has been fairly good but not great.

Of course, it is located in Yorkville, and it is an upscale pub.

I was looking at the prices at the Duke of York, which have crept up.

I used to think of the Duke of York as having lesser food, back 8 years ago. It’s still a more affordable and basic restaurant overall. Lately, I guess, I find the basic burger at the Duke (4 ounce banquet burger $19.99, 8 ounce banquet burger $24.99) more satisfying than the more posh burger at the Oxley.

Of course, the service and surroundings are nicer at the Oxley.

I haven’t ordered the fish and chips from either the Duke or the Oxley in the past 18 months. I don’t love the chips at either place. The chips are great at Man of Kent. I haven’t tried the fish and chips at Man of Kent because it’s too busy for me :rofl: I tried their pie and chips on a slow afternoon and it’s been busy every time I’ve thought to order fish and chips.

I’m a little further from both these days.

I’ve been meaning to try the burgers at The Commoner

and at Ladybug Tavern.

Most days I really appreciate my move to the sticks. Here’s the menu and pricing from Durham’s finest, KB Foods.

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Not bad at all!!

Despite London being in the sticks, the food prices at the handful of Indie Restaurants where I’m a regular are similar to Toronto prices, despite the rent being cheaper. London’s dining client base is mostly interested in cheaper fast foods and chains, rather than supporting indie restaurants with more formally trained staff.

I still support them, but the food at the same prices in Toronto is often better than tasting. The margins are different and indie Restaurants in Toronto probably have a bigger client base as well as more competition, which might keep the margin different and tighter, than London, KW, Windsor, etc.

For quite a while, the Greek greasy spoon that my friends’ family runs in the sticks north of London, has been charging a few bucks more for its food than a comparable Greek greasy spoon charges in Toronto. An omelette that would be $15 in Scarborough or on Roncy is close to $19 at their greasy spoon. The next closest indie greasy spoon is located about 20 km away, in St Mary’s, in Exeter, or in Ailsa Craig.

Different situation. The food is almost identical, but it costs more to bring it out to the sticks, and they have a different situation.