Top Chef Season 17

Is every one feeling too guilty to watch this season, while the pandemic continues and ravages our restaurants? :frowning_face: It’s disheartening watching the ads in between pleading for help to save and support our restaurant workers, but I admit to still making time for this each week.

I thought this was a fun episode and I love the quickfire challenge. My favorite quote from this episode has to be"…mom…? …mom…?…?"


I loved that the one family member was sure it was chicken … it was fish.

I liked this episode too.


I’ve watched all episodes SEVERAL times! Not sure why I forgot to rush back and post.

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This one is from last night.

I loved the quickfire. Loved Kevin and his wife!!! Lee Ann was funny - her mom put the phone down and finished eating!! Melissa seems to be a force to be reckoned with too.

Just finished watching. Hate who went home but I knew it from all the air play.


At first I thought she had had a medical incident. They had previewed such an incident. Elves!

Agree about Melissa. Lots of foreshadowing going on!

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Leann’s mom did almost pass out, but later in the kitchen during the elimination challenge, not at the table during the quickfire.

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Yes, I realized that in a few moments, but I can’t help but think they wanted me to think she had passed out, as was foreshadowed in the previews. OTOH, husband wasn’t really watching, but said he’d seen her put her phone down.

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I loved this episode. The QF was one of the better I’ve seen after finally watching this morning. Descriptions were interesting to see how detailed the family members were in their descriptions. Loved that Kevin won!

And how everyone rushed over to help Mama Wong AND many sent over their sous chef to help Lee Ann finish her product. :heart: There are so many of these products I’d want to try. I would love to try Nini’s ribs.

I LOL’d at Malarkey’s incredulous “Me? No way!” when he was in the bottom. And all 3 on the bottom could have been the one out.


Interesting challenges that armed hard to me. I was really impressed with how most of them handled the flour! In 30 minutes!

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I was so nervous this time. Again, I almost lost someone I’m routing for. So glad for the outcome!


Yes- That was a close call!

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I was FREAKING OUT. But I guessed both the top winners and those who were told to PYKAG.

And I’ll say I was VERY surprised at the team of Malarkey & Wong. Those damn Editing Elves at it again.

Best quotes of the night come from Lee Ann:

"Brian goes in a million directions “like a cat with a laser pointer.”

“Shopping with Brian Malarkey is like shopping with monkeys on crack.”


I just watched Malarkey’s original season. I guess he has staying power.

I’m so over Malarkey . . . I guess he pulls in viewers? But I find him slimy/sleazy. And Lee Ann should get booted just for whininess.

I’m officially on the Gregory bandwagon. I thought he should have won his season. Hope he wins it all this season.


Yes, from the start because, like Jen last week, they were showing an awful lot of him. But I will say, for me it’s a toss up who I’d like to see win, Brian or Kevin…


Brian Voltaggio has NOT been good this season. And he knows it. Kevin, on the other hand, has held his own. Gregory is kicking ass, as is Melissa King, and I had hoped for Nini to do well. Several others are middke-of-the-packing, and it’ll be interesting to see if they can step up their game.


You are right. I’m thinking maybe the competition with his brother upped his game. I always like Kevin, but you are right about Melissa and Gregory and I would not be unhappy if either of them won. But my heart is with Kevin.