The Farm Boy Thread [Ontario] [Ottawa] [Toronto] [London, Ontario]

The Nanaimo Bars are mediocre. They’re better at most coffee shops. I can’t compare to what Loblaws , Sobeys or Metro sell lately. The indie grocer Remark in London makes a better Nanaimo Bar, as do most independent bakeries I’ve tried in London and Toronto.

The bars need a darker and more chocolatey top layer, and a thicker middle layer, maybe with more custard powder.

I was happy with the pumpkin cranberry muffins from the bakery, as well as the pecan pie. I will try the raisin bran muffins soon.

They stock chicken hearts and chicken gizzards, unlike Sobeys, Metro and Loblaws in LondonON. I stock up when I see them.

I also buy duck legs at FarmBoy.


Rao’s and Carbone are on sale at Farm Boy right now. Rao’s was taken over a few months ago so maybe they are getting rid of the pre-takeover product. (Canadian prices)

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That’s expensive sauce. I’ve tried Rao’s and thought it was okay, but don’t think it’s worth what they’re asking.

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how long is the sale on for?

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It says until Jan 3, 2024, so until they run out, I guess

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I’ve been splurging lately. I like the Rao’s and Carbone a lot more than the Classicos.
For a sauce that’s in between the 2 levels in terms of price, I like Stefano Faita which is around $8.

(post deleted by author)

Thanks, my sister and her family like it so she always asks me to keep an eye open for sales. I might pick up a jar for myself as well.

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Metro has it for the same price, picked up 2 jars

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Raos is on sale at Farm Boy this week for $9.99 a jar.


I like the Farm Boy small batch cheddar, Farm Boy Irish Cheddar, and Farm Boy Welsh Cheddar.

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The FarmBoy oatmeal cookies in the shelf stable cookie section are pretty good. Closer to Norwegian lace than Dad’s, which is a good thing to me.

I continue to be happy with the house products, especially the local Gruyère from St Marys and the maple wood smoked bacon.

They have added more frozen entrées at their bigger stores.

The honey garlic Brome Lake Duck wings (Brome Lake brand) were good.

Some new halal frozen mains have arrived. I will let you know how we like the frozen sheekh kabab.

Farm Boy also has frozen battered fish now. I purchased the battered cod, which I have not tried yet.


New product. I don’t think I’d like them since I don’t like other veggie crisps. The sight of them cracked me up. Around $6.99 Cdn for 100 g / 1/4 lb of crispy okra (not slimy!)

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The sheek kabab were quite good. A little dense/tough/ chewy but would buy again m

I liked these. ~$2.50 a pack. (Addictive and high sodium, 37 percent of the daily sodium rec in a 50 gram serving, and I ate at least 2 servings :joy:, as well as a shawarma, so I’ll be guzzling water tonight)