The end pieces from a loaf of bread

Yup - me too with a little butter

This neighborhood has a goose and many ducks who are fed bread all the time by locals. Probably their sole diet other than stream bed flora. How long will it be before they start showing any incations of it being a bad diet for them? They’ve looked and acted fine for at least 7 years.

I always thought the "bad’ think about feeding geese or ducks bread was that if you did it in an urban pond, the bread could get trapped in the anaerobic scummy bottom and botulism is a risk.

just because they eat it doesn’t mean it’s good for them. why do you think no sick ducks have been removed or died?

please see the link upthread.


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Because it’s a steady population, easy to count and the birds are quite recognizable as individuals.

I live at the top of the hill, where the stream more or less begins, and the area where the fowl congregate is in one area at the bottom of the hill, where the stream passes through town. The local Italians feed the birds what appears to be stale bread/rolls most of the time. I don’t feed them anything because i’m never carrying anything that far to feed them.

I’m not saying just because they eat bread that it is good for them. I’m saying they never appear to get sick from eating it, so I was wondering what kind of sickness they develop from eating bread.

[Edited to add: I read the new york state gov’t link you provided, and many of the downsides they warn against really aren’t applicable to the neighborhood situation here.]

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I don’t think anyone would argue with the scientists that human foods shouldn’t be part of a wild animal’s diet. When you live amongst humans in an urban environment and forage what’s available, it’s going to be hard to avoid, even if kids and the elderly aren’t throwing bread crusts in the park. There are tons of videos of sea gulls stealing foods, squirrels eating fast food leftovers from trash bins, and of course, rats eating pizza in a subway. Heck, eating a lot of bread isn’t even good for humans. :frowning:

I found crust-less bread in the supermarket the other day and I actually liked it. So there - doing my part! Less crust to throw out now.


When i was a kid sometimes we made pizza type things on it since that end pc is always more sturdy. (Supermarket sliced bread loaves) or they were collected in the freezer for French Toast Day.
With bakery loaves i end up using any stale bread to thicken soups and stews in the winter, in the summer i cut them in cubes and do a quick skillet toasting for croutons or use for panzanella salad

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