TACO BELL was great pre-90's formerly on ChowHound


Look into the substance of my post and not just one fragment. Research it. I have.

I would, but I feel I have already invested far too much time into this thread.

I get it. Taco Bell sucks since it was purchased by a corporate behemoth. The country of Europe is far superior regarding food-related matters. Government is evil. The past was so much better than the present. And as a resident of Long Island you have little to no access to good, pure authentic food.

ETA: I almost forgot the important point: only native members of a culture can produce that culture’s food.


Share your sources. If you’ve “done your own research,” you must have scads.


(post deleted by author)

You are big. You have libraries and internet. But here is a head start:

The problem is the FDA and gubment. You have it all backwards. Every product you buy in the food industry is owned by only 10 mega corps. It was not this way not so long ago. These behemoths came to fruition within recent history. A few decades ago we had individual companies that had to compete with each other to make a profit. YUM brands is only one example of many. In addition, the “mom & pop” shops so to speak have been decimated. Now you say “well how can that be, because we have monopoly laws in place”. Well those are no longer enforced and gubment planned this all. It accelerated in the last 3 years. There is a word for it that starts with an “F” and ends with an “M”. It is a partnership between corporate and gubment. All about control. And without competition these food conglomerates can do anything they want like put chemicals into our foods, plastic in cheese. Yes they do. Go to the dollar store and try theirs. So examples you bring to the discussion are actually being allowed because of this central concentration of power. If we had independent companies like the past, they would have to make good healthy products to survive as a profitable business or else. That is how it works. If they pulled the crap like these mega giants do, they would go bankrupt because no one would buy their products. But no more, because they took away our choice. The free market is what keeps everything in check. NOT gubment. Everything you learned in school in the last century or on the media in the last 70 years is a big lie. And when I say this, I don’t mean there is no truth at all, what I do mean is that we were fed a bag of agendas or lies to control us. Not empower us with knowledge to be free and independent. Once you realize gubment is not the protector or have your best interest in mind, then you will see clearly. Gubment is the problem. Here is a starting point of the main point with our foods:

So John D Rockefeller (who died in 1937), made it harder for snake oil salesmen to make money. Got it.

And your source is not exactly a trustworthy news organization.

Their focus is…kinda narrow. This is what came up on their “health” channel.


I think someone’s tinfoil hat is on a bit tight these days. Perhaps no surprise with “sources” like that.


That entire site reads as if it was written by ChatGPT’s twin brother who flunked ESL.


It’s as if ChatGPT ran the text through Google Translate a couple of times, and then threw all the words up in the air and re-assembled them however they landed.


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Believe whatever you want. That propaganda was the lie. Many fell for it, including myself until I found out the truth. It amazes me that many believe in the CC hoax. But I do not want to get into that. I think most posting against me are unfortunately non believers in a creator. That is why the lies have legs. It is a shame. But I will ask these questions. Who wrote the DNA code for any living thing, human or animal? Random chance is not valid. Believing in that is like believing a tornado going through a junkyard could create a brand new Cadillac afterwards. It takes more blind faith to believe in chance than it does a creator. As a side note, it takes 13 steps to clot blood. So how did any organism know ahead of time to make all 13 steps from the very start? There are bees that would not exist without a particular flower and vice versa, that flower would not exist without that bee. So how did either know before the other existed? There is no proof ever of evolution. No transformation species from one to the other. Mutations always remove information and never add information. So how can something advance? Monkeys are still monkeys. I’d like to see a Commodore 64 morph into an Iphone without any intelligent design. Show me just one example. I can go on, but this is getting long.

Well, this explains a lot. You’re a proselytizer. Not a rational thinker. And there’s not much point discussing anything with a proselytizer.


Got it, the government is your God or yourself. I still love you all as a human. Peace. But can I get an answer to any of those questions I raised?

The government is neither my god or my…self? And you didn’t raise any questions. You parroted a lot of creationist nonsense that a quick jaunt through any reputable textbook with a chapter on evolution could debunk. But I don’t teach for free, so you’ll have to get your knowledge elsewhere.


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Can’t we just… pray them away?


Do not feed the troll Taco Bell. :taco:

Yo quiero Taco Bell.