Suffering from a sriracha shortage? Here’s why


Are you tell me that we should start stocking up now?

Like yesterday?


Just added a bottle to my list because the one my son uses for eggs is down to about 20%; I’ll see what the situation is at my local later today.

Yesterday they were completely out of half-n-half. They normally have pint-quart-2quart in their own store brand, in Land O’ Lakes, in a high-end local dairy brand, and in the specialty A2-only protein brand (this one only in 2quart). About 10 linear feet of shelf space. Bupkiss.

I may be partly to blame. I have a bottle at home, a bottle at the in laws and a bottle at work.

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Sounds like you may need an intervention, Chris.




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@CCE You’re probably right, but they need to get in the queue behind the people who are intervening regarding this…


I’ve been finding plenty of his bottles in the stores, but it was gone for a bit.

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Has anyone tried to ferment their own chilies and garlic? It’s supposed to be easy. You just chop up a bunch of chilis and let it ferment overtime begore refrigeration etc.

I was thinking about doing so once my bottle of siracha cha cha runs out

Try here


I make a fermented habanero sauce every spring to deter the deer and certain squirrels. When I decant it into my spray bottle I am wise to glove, mask and goggle up! It is probably in the 300K range on the Scoville scale.

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Evidently it’s now gone again, everywhere. I’m good. My pandemic stash hoarding left me with, I think, an extra bottle besides the one in the fridge.

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Has there been an update to this? I have not seen any bottles on the shelves this last week.

The article is a year old. I haven’t seen a shortage of sriracha on store shelves around me (nyc) in a while.

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San Francisco TV news interviewed restaurant owners who said they loose bottles from the tables, a reporter related “his” place were no longer offering packages.

Oh jeez. Because stealing a bottle from a restaurant is the solution :woman_facepalming:t2:

I should have said I usually look when I’m in Chinatown, and then buy a couple at a time. Last was a couple of weeks ago.

I just posted this in on the ingredients board! I’ll delete it now. I haven’t been able to find it in months (NJ).