Steve Herrell and his ice cream (or "Steve's"/"Herrell's") [Cambridge]

The Brigham’s thread has brought up this (and other) comments on Steve’s:

I thought I’d shunt Steve to his own thread.

  1. He has a Wikipedia page:'s_Ice_Cream

  2. I assume y’all are talking about the Elm Street “Steve’s”, where we first encountered him/it in the early 1990s after we discovered that “Somerville” was not some far-off hinterland relative to us Cantabrigians, but friggin next door, as in walking distance (hey @passing_thru, this one’s for you). If there was an earlier Harvard Square Steve’s, do tell.

  3. In time we embraced Herrell’s in the Square and took everybody who visited us to eat ice cream in their vault.

  4. And, fast forwarding, we embraced Forge back in Somerville, with their intellectual, and other ties to Herrell’s. Thanks Great Bear.


My honor, fd. And we occasionally stop at Herrell’s in Northampton. That chocolate pudding cone is just as decadent as always.

I do have to get back to Forge soon, and also head to Trina’s for the new soft serve. Frederic Yarm posted about it in an earlier thread, and my son and daughter-in-law were quite happy when they had some this past weekend.


when i was a postal worker in the Square, i loved the vault. the perfect place to hide out and read for 45 minutes before going back to the office.

no supervisor going out to check on routes would ever find you in there.


My whole family loved the vault, especially my sons when they were younger. Of course, that always included a visit to Tower Records, Newbury Comics, etc. and usually dinner at the Border Cafe or somewhere fun and teen-friendly.


It is possible that my favorite ice cream memory of all time occurred several decades back at the Somerville Steve’s. I ordered a mint chocolate chip come, and discovered that one of the staff people had seriously over-poured the mint extract into the mix. It was offered at no charge, and was toe-curling fabulous!


That’s one way to get minty fresh breath! And a great memory.

@Woonriver Welcome to Hungry Onion. This is a friendly place and we can always use more friendly Onions.


The Steve’s in Falmouth was my first introduction to real hot fudge, like made with butter and cream. Friendly’s had good hot fudge, but nothing like Steve’s. Too bad I had that fudge (in a sundae) on top of a big Chinese dinner. :nauseated_face:


Yeah the vault was a nice respite. And the original Bertucci’s was a stone’s throw from Elm Street Steve’s, with an indoor bocce ball court downstairs while you waited for your pizza.


Yeah, the first few restaurants had them. We also went to Brockton and Hopkinton. It was a great way to entertain preteens for sure.