Silliness & Food Funnies 2019

Hahahahahahaaaa when I was a “kid” I kept a picture of my baby nephew in my wallet with my fake ID to make it look like I had a kid. Too funny.

Also regarding the lettuce burger, there is a chain called Habbit Burgher that serves that, I’ve had it several times and outside being a little messy, the lettuce doesn’t soak up any juices, it’s a great burger.

That’s the exact image I had when I saw the lettuce bun burger. Also, does it tend to slip out of your hands? Lettuce can be a bit slimy.

It’s a kind of deception what the server does, preying on sympathy and kindness.

What did people say when they saw photo of your “kid”? “Aren’t you too young?” or…?

Nobody ever questioned it that I can remember. It was just there to give a positive reinforcement: “Of course this guy is of age, he’s got a kid” (and not ask for an actual ID)


A good idea at the and and it has turned out well for you. :triumph:

Just for those who may be interested… the chain is called Habit Burger. Mostly in California, but expanding rapidly all over the US. The infamous In-n-Out chain also offers this lettuce wrap option on their ‘not so secret’ menu.

They have got plates but don’t know how to use them.

Me too, mate. Me too.

The new food truck

I like fries, I like cheese, I like pizza… I can have all 3 in 1 thing.


McDonald’s and Coca-Cola’s love child.

Or pizza oven.


What do all the Chinese characters mean?

A beautiful and ingenious rig.

Internet Celebrities Big Cola.

Idea is to buy the big drink. Take some pics. Post on social media. Become a big celebrity. That’s the idea, anyway.

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Great prices on lamb chop! Go get yours today while supplies last!!


Sheep Nation rebels against their human oppressors.


Noooooo…poor Lambie Chop!!! LOL


OK, I’m a girl - and even I cringed at that!


They look just like one used by Shari Lewis!

I think the whisk(e)y drinkers will like this.

Sometimes people try to get my attention and I tell them they interrupt my food dream. If I’m not eating I’m probably thinking about what to eat.

Don’t they have an editor?

Was it a flop?


LOL, the knee cap looked bad already, but the privates was just brutal. And up close too!

OMG, that is too funny @NotJrvedivici

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In the shape of the box it comes in

Watch out for the thieving gulls

I think this sausage is like bologna in the US. “Conchita Wurst” is an Austrian artist and looks quite different as a man, which he is biologically.

Oh no, this trend is not over yet?

I’d rather see this.


Absolutely have to know where the kitties in a cup are from AND how to do it. :grin:

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