Shiner, Texas

I did know the San Bernard. Sorta. Couldn’t remember the name but, I thought to myself, that one that floods all the time that my son goes fishing on and I worry about him. :blush:

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It does like to flood.

Shall we delve into a lesson on river and stream morphology, oxbow lakes, etc.

Never mind, school is over. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Wied wedding stuff.

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If it were anyone else, I would almost guarantee it was Hippy Hollow but with you who knows! Could’ve been Sixth Street.


Could’ve been a Moon Tower.

Seriously ladies and germs, not covid, when I was a kid in the 60’s my cuzins lived in Austin. We went to 6th Street to see the ongoing destruction.

I was told it would be the next big thing. Right, it looked like Berlin in the Spring of '45.

Somehow I was wrong for one of the few times in my life. :sunglasses:

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This from your favorite railroad historian.

    • Jan. 2, 1890 - The Lavaca River bridge failed as a freight train passed over the flooding river - the entire train was lost
    • The resulting lawsuits only added to the railroad’s financial problems

The tracks were the old San Antonio and Aransas Pass Railroad ingloriously ripped up in the early 1960’s.


The San Bernard, Navidad, and Lavaca Rivers seem to have two stages, virtually bone dry or swollen flooded torrents.

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Really interesting. Thx!

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@jcostiones there’s a guy on Instagram that goes by train_guru you might enjoy following. I am not well-versed in trains, but I do like his photos.


How are things out west Jaymesy? All settled in? Any new finds, recent visits to old haunts? Been out to the Come and Take It museum in Gonzalez yet?

Toured the brewery?

How bout the 411? :wink:


We went out west over the weekend to Wied, where we got married 13 years ago, not quite Shiner but a completely different world. Trump flags still fly everywhere along with a few Confederate battle flags. We saw one small lonely Biden poster.

Virtually nobody wears masks but the more east you go such as Richmond everybody is masked up.


We had BBQ there at Galvan’s, the brisket a bit below standard but the beef sausage was a good as ever. :cowboy_hat_face: :mask: :cowboy_hat_face: :mask: :cowboy_hat_face: :mask:


Envious! Hope you enjoyed thoroughly, along with the memories of your wedding and party @jcostiones.

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Our wedding was held outdoors at a small ranch about 90 miles west of Houston. It was in 2007 so 7/7/07 was a popular date and the Wifeacita wanted it but I found it necessary to point out a few facts. It’s Texas, July, hello heat, outdoors, and her mother is in her 80’s. We quickly rescheduled for October. A note here, it rained every day for about two months SE Texas style but quit two days before the date and resumed 95 degrees plus humid so it would have been held in a hot mud fest.

The wedding had good weather and was quite a mix with my white guy family and friends, her Hispanic family and friends, after the ceremony one of her nephews told me in an exaggerated Spanish accent, “You’re one of us now!” So I got that going for me.

Our gracious hostess had a lot of her friends over and they built a bonfire.

The Wifeacita wanted sparklers so I bought a bunch of fireworks beforehand. By now the beer and wine was flowing and the locals descended on the fireworks.

The Wifeacita was happily wandering around the fire with her sparklers while the locals threw every firecracker, rocket, and whatever into the fire. I just got married and now she’s going to be killed by a stray missile so I whisked her away to safety.

I was later told that rednecks, beer, and fireworks are a bad mix.


Lol, thanks for the story! Reminds me of buying a lot of really high powered fireworks from the reservations up here in Washington, and lax restrictions most places due to little heat mostly, and damp conditions, to Utah one July 4th. I was an absolute goddess of fun for my nieces and nephews, but fortunately BIL was a firefighter for USFS, and lined up all safety precautions for us. Yes, the adults had a great time, and the kids too, but all in a safe fashion. I’m still amazed at the legal fireworks we can buy here @jcostiones.


Our neighbor was FBI as in Agent so we operated with impunity inside the Houston city limits. We had fireworks wars with the neighbor and one time a well placed rocket blew up their cache. What fun!!

He also participated in and supervised the firing of shotguns into the air on New Years and the 4th.

Texas 1960’s, that’s how we grew up. Oh, the FBI Agent was from New York. :firecracker: :crazy_face:


Well now, your recollections have reminded me of a whole new story…one of my good friends from HS married a guy whose dad was a big kahuna in the FBI. He had a brother - I’d never met such outrageous hooligans in my life! They, in fact, stole a bunch of full nitrous oxide canisters, outside a hospital where they were stored. Evidently while using, they didn’t displace enough oxygen, thankfully, ergo, they’re still alive AFAIK.

My friend kicked his ass out of the house, went on to get her doctorate, and is now a big muckety muck somewhere…

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Next time you’re out that way try the oldy Goldie Dozier’s now being tended by Jim Buchanan. Also Harlem Street BBQ is newish but sounds amazing.


Dozier’s has been our BBQ of choice since we moved to Katy, some 11 years ago. You might know that big thangs are happening there now that we’re gone. I always loved their brisket, frequently getting a whole, uncut one when I was expecting houseguests, or taking a roadtrip north to stay with relatives or friends. I also liked their ‘country store’ atmosphere, often buying their jams, pickles & preserves.


Hey…been busy renovating this old house, babysitting the grands, & unpacking boxes. With covid still raging, even here, not much gadding about to report. Brewery still closed for tours and they have had several cases among the workers. Since my daughter, the teacher, and all four grands are in that one school building, I worry for them fairly constantly, but, thus far, all still healthy.

I’m hoping to be in a position come spring to host a big ‘I have a friend in the country’ party. Fingers crossed that vaccine works.