
I love them. Easily eat a couple tins per week. Anyone else a fan?

What is your favorite brand? I prefer King Oscar Tiny Tots.

I prefer those from Portugal or Spain (same goes for mackerel)ā€¦in olive oilā€¦


I buy them raw and sauteed them. Maybe some lemon.

sure. I like the Trader Joeā€™s packed in water kind. Occasionally make pasta with a sauce of a can of sardines fried in olive oil until they disintegrate, with some fresh herbs. Good insta-meal.

Love them spread on toast with Tabasco or on pizzas. Favourite brand is Oritz but theyā€™re expensive so usually go for supermarket ,Portuguese in olive oil. The missus hates them so I donā€™t eat them as often as Iā€™d like.

Mr. nafā€™s favourite fish, loves especially cook the whole fresh fish with a bit fresh herbs, pepper and garlic on a hot barbecue grill. If they are very fresh, raw with a bit of chilli, and vinegar is good too. Me I like them when they are without bones, quite fuzzy with fish bones.

I do love them and have since a little kidā€¦my favorite, white bread, a light coating of butter and King Oscar in water, with a thin slice of onion on the sandwich.
Also on a good hard roll with a slice of tomato, lettuce and some onion.

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Love them. Possibly my most favourite fish. Search for the tins in the supermarket in every place/country. Portuguese and Spanish are best but very hard to come by. I have brought back loads in my hand baggage.

Fresh sardines need the most simple treatment. Just lightly brush them with oil and throw them on the barbie, with scales and all. The scales prevent them from sticking to the grill grate. To eat them just scrape off the scales in one go and lift out the flesh. Learnt this by watching Portuguese eat them. I have no problem with the bones.

Tinned sardines are best (for me) on bread with tabasco. Also like it Vietnamese style (in a baguette).

There are shops in Spain and Portugal that sell mostly tinned seafood delicacies. They also have wines of course. The selection of sardines and other tinned seafood is staggering, and with prices to match. Iā€™m talking about the kind that costs up to eur.200 (yes two hundred) a tin.

Grilled, smoked, fried, pan-fried - itā€™s all good.

If I can get them fresh I grill them. If I buy them in cans, if I donā€™t simply spread them on crackers, then I sometimes make a linguine or spaghetti pasta dish with sardines, fennel, olives, bread crumbs and pine nuts, or else pasta with sardines and cauliflower and bread crumbs (and raisins if I have them).

Cooks in Palermo Sicily have a fantastic fresh sardine dish that I have never tried to make at home called sarde a beccafico.

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That sounds positively amazing.

Andā€¦ so much for the ā€˜no cheese with seafoodā€™ rule.

Sicilians have strong tasting fish that stands up to cheese. However, itā€™s a fair bet that more than 70 percent of Italian-American food is based on Sicilian cooking, and a lot of the notion that ā€œtrueā€ Italian cooking doesnā€™t resemble Italian-American cooking comes from people visiting Italy but only going to points north of Rome, and in particular Northern Italians exporting their cooking (risotti, fresh pasta, loads of braised meat) as ā€œgourmetā€ Italian cooking for high-end consumption in big American cities.

But if you visit Sicily ā€“ which is gastronomically fantastic ā€“ you will find everything you were told ā€œgenuineā€ Italians donā€™t eat somewhere on the island, including spaghetti and meatballs, cheese on seafood, neon colored gelato ā€“ and this is not for tourists. Itā€™s the true food of Sicily.

One of my favorite experiences of Sicily was eating anelletti pasta in plain tomato sauce ā€“ otherwise known in America as Spaghetti-Os


There is a Mediterranean brand in olive oil that I always buy at Yaranush in White Plains, NY I forgot the name but I love themā€¦Iā€™ll pay attention next time I am there. My all time favorite are the ones I order when available at a local Greek restaurant, Elia Tavernaā€¦so deliciousā€¦ The crunchy heads are the best part. I have also had some amazing grilled sardines at a local Portuguese street fair


Usually just eat them on a saltine. If Iā€™m making a sandwich, I like crusty bread, avocado slices, black pepper, and a good squeeze of lemon juice.

These are fun sardine blogs I like to read:

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Just came across this and thought you might be interested in reviews of various tinned sardines and some recipes


some golden raisins on that dish are dynamite.

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I love fresh sardines, from my favorite local fishmonger. I still havenā€™t quite found a strong recipe for the canned kind.

I roast the fresh ones whole with some thyme, lemon and olive oil. Yum!

I love the Sardine Society website.

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I found the sardine scoop on e-bay, under $20. Comes from U.K., but e-bay was the only source I could find.

Sardines atop a salad