Yikes, please excuse my apprehension, if you think your few lines of grade (or middle) school level counterpoints above qualifies as “plenty of scientific and engineering arguments”
Jiro is an old school shokunin utilizing a traditional cooking method. Zojirushi is already attempting to replicate this. Hence the reason I was very excited when I encountered the Zojirushi on display at the BiC store in Toyko - the marriage of tradition and technology. However just because Jiro’s doing it doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to skin a cat. The same analogy can be made for combustion engines vs electric vs hydrogen vs whatever fuel/engine may come down the road; a car vs. helicopter vs plane vs rocket ship etc. or perhaps even teleportation. The ultimate goal being to transport someone or something from point A to B.
As for you, regrettably I don’t consider you an authority in this field. You have a binary view of cooking fluffy white unburnt rice - boil rice in a highly conductive vessel or the highway.
I have expressed several times in this post regarding my frustration on 110V units not being offered for me to purchase. Therefore I’ve elected not to make a stand on these new fangled Japanese market-only electric cookers. I prefer not to proclaim myself a false prophet / an expert by making an affirmative stance on a subject I have no expertise or had the opportunity of testing personally. I’m just not bold enough to make a public stance of discrediting Tiger’s cooker at this point. Does this mean I cannot express an interest or share a new idea?
On the other hand you have not answered the questions from my last post nor provided any hard evidence of hands on testing to disprove Tiger’s cooker and their use of clay to steam rice … instead you continuously refer to equipment & methods applicable to boiling rice and your conjecture supported by few lines of grade (or middle) school science arguments as gospel to condemn the technology. (btw I am NOT an employee/lobbyist/advocate of Tiger)
Haha my bad, I knew you would catch my tardiness with your scientific prowess and I corrected this prior to you response. You are correct it is a metal (generically) pot. I wonder if it contains a copper core…
Pot calling the kettle black.