Ricer cooker/steamer?

Yikes, please excuse my apprehension, if you think your few lines of grade (or middle) school level counterpoints above qualifies as “plenty of scientific and engineering arguments”

Jiro is an old school shokunin utilizing a traditional cooking method. Zojirushi is already attempting to replicate this. Hence the reason I was very excited when I encountered the Zojirushi on display at the BiC store in Toyko - the marriage of tradition and technology. However just because Jiro’s doing it doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to skin a cat. The same analogy can be made for combustion engines vs electric vs hydrogen vs whatever fuel/engine may come down the road; a car vs. helicopter vs plane vs rocket ship etc. or perhaps even teleportation. The ultimate goal being to transport someone or something from point A to B.

As for you, regrettably I don’t consider you an authority in this field. You have a binary view of cooking fluffy white unburnt rice - boil rice in a highly conductive vessel or the highway.

I have expressed several times in this post regarding my frustration on 110V units not being offered for me to purchase. Therefore I’ve elected not to make a stand on these new fangled Japanese market-only electric cookers. I prefer not to proclaim myself a false prophet / an expert by making an affirmative stance on a subject I have no expertise or had the opportunity of testing personally. I’m just not bold enough to make a public stance of discrediting Tiger’s cooker at this point. Does this mean I cannot express an interest or share a new idea?

On the other hand you have not answered the questions from my last post nor provided any hard evidence of hands on testing to disprove Tiger’s cooker and their use of clay to steam rice … instead you continuously refer to equipment & methods applicable to boiling rice and your conjecture supported by few lines of grade (or middle) school science arguments as gospel to condemn the technology. (btw I am NOT an employee/lobbyist/advocate of Tiger)

Haha my bad, I knew you would catch my tardiness with your scientific prowess and I corrected this prior to you response. You are correct it is a metal (generically) pot. I wonder if it contains a copper core…

Pot calling the kettle black.

Well, considering that you don’t know much about science and engineering maybe that is why you cannot tell these are scientific points. Even if that was a cast iron post, it would still be supporting my argument.

No, what you are saying is that you don’t have any evidence and you don’t even know why, but you are also not allowing other people to make a judgement call. You don’t consider me as an expert is fine. The problem is that… do you even have the background to make that judgement? In other words, can someone with even less science and engineering background be a judge of my skill? Probably not. So it is unsurprising that you cannot make a call. I am not even taking this statement seriously, but you should think about why you kept repeating it.

Here is the thing. I welcome people to express their views providing with evidence.

Talk about contradiction. You were the one who started to say you want fluffy white unburned rice like that made by Jiro. I didn’t start that path. Scroll up.

I don’t need to. First, because you are not serious about learning. Second, you don’t even know why they steam, I do. Third, you have answered even fewer questions from me.

No, you haven’t talked about science. I have been begging you to talk about real evidence, but you haven’t. You have been just do this childish argument of: A) I believe Tigers and Zojirushi more than you – which is totally beside the point. or B) Jiro or someone or somewhere have been using clay – which half of what you tried to say ended up supporting my view. Jiro and that photo are supporting aluminum. In fact, I have been encouraging to share your evidence.
Finally, the fact that you cannot even tell aluminum from cast iron from clay shows that you don’t have much hands-on experience. Anyone who have used these cookware can tell one from another. Seriously, if I was arguing for an aluminum insert, and you were asking for clay insert, why on Earth would you use Jiro as a supporting evidence because he is using aluminum and post a photo of an aluminum insert.
Unless, you don’t know what aluminum looks like.

Do you really want to talk about the different engines? I can. What I have been suggesting is that the type of engines need to be based on basic science. Engineering is based on scientific knowledge. So if the science knowledge is not there, engineering cannot happen. People do have intensive arguments about these type of engines based on science. They do not actually do what you have suggested (just throw the kitchen sink in, close the eye, and not discuss). In our community, we always debate and not discourage them. However, they have to based on something, not just pure feelings.

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How cute!!! Can I get one of those on eBay? My husband did not want any and I am too old now anyways, but I would not mind picking up one off eBay, used is okay! I am not talking about the rice cooker… :slight_smile:

Well, he is going to cost more than $1000. :heart_eyes:

I totally brain-farted oven rice!!! Yes, that works out perfectly too, cooking rice in the oven! Isn’t it crazy how many ways there are to make rice? I went through a phase where I wanted to find all the ways to make rice perfectly using different cooking vessels and methods that were available to me. I do things like that now and then, just for the sake of knowing.

I might have to sell some copper…okay, I am willing. he he he.

Well you know what, I am results driven and I like to be able to re-create perfection. For this reason, I usually take notes until I perfect something, then I try to write down all the details so I can re-create it perfectly, every single time.

That is the only reason my rice is perfect every time, because I perfected it and then I follow my perfected directions exactly. I am not saying nothing will ever go wrong in the future, knock on wood, just saying I have reliable directions at least, and I went through a lot of fails to get there. A lot of boil-overs and too mushy or dry-on-top rice…ugh.

Here is a little tip, put 1/2 tsp black mustard seeds to each cup of rice. Cancer hates mustard seeds and dislikes the black variety most of all, so I picked that one. I just throw them in with the rice and we don’t notice them in texture or taste them but they are kinda decorative. I figured if they don’t hurt but possibly can help, why not.

I have heard of that … not the mustard seeds, but the black color food (in general), which is why I think there is this movement of eating very dark veggies to black soy milk to black sesame seeds…etc. I still have some yellow mustard seeds when I was trying to cook Indian foods.

So what kind of rice do you like to cook? You just toss in the mustard seeds, no crushing them…etc.

ANYway I bought this one and like it


14 cups is pretty big. You know. I have the same delay start function, but never bother using it. Have you tried yours?

Oh really, so there must be a connection to whatever makes the food look black, very interesting! I had only heard of the mustard seed part, not the black color food part.

I am really paying attention, I watched my Grandma die of breast cancer, two friends died of cancer, one in her 40’s and one in her 30’s, more that survived, thank goodness, but more recently my beautiful Aunt, I helped take care of her with hospice, it was awful, so hard, and now my cousin just found out she has cancer - 3 lumps and all lymph nodes under the right armpit, started chemo this week, so scared for her, they have two little kids.

I dropped mustard seeds at her house with a book and on how I put them in rice, hoping it would help. Oh and turmeric, turmeric was proven to kill more cancer cells with chemo than chemo alone, in some lab somewhere.

I don’t even have cancer, but I feel broken hearted and a million years old, just from witnessing cancer attacking my loved ones.

I have been on a Indian food kick, so have been throwing them in basmati rice, whole. They are really little, no need to crush, and they don’t stand out at all, except for visually, which is nice, kinda decorative. :slight_smile:

Wow. These are young people. Yeah, I definitely heard of turmeric effect and I remember it to have a strong effect, but I will need to look up the information again. Oh god, if you are already in an Indian food kick, then it would so easy for you to use all these good stuffs. Turmeric, and mustard seed (uses black one over the yellow), even ginger… I don’t know. I remember the cookbook suggests the yellow ones, maybe because it doesn’t change the dish color.

I read tea also has some anti-cancer effects. Of course, sleeping is very important which I don’t do enough.

If one is in the high risk group, family got that, one needs yearly checkup to be sure, even they are young.

Yeah, enough rest is important.

Emotion stability is important for health. Both my parents, the years when they had emotional turmoil, both suddenly got cancer. One needs to learn to deal with stress.

Yeah, there are health reports that getting enough sleep is probably the single most easy and important thing to do.
Stress management is also important.
Eating right of course is important as well.

Rice cookers come in two main types - $20 cheap ones and $200 electronic fuzzy-logic things. (I’m not counting basic metal pots, clay pots, or pressure-based ones.) I have no trouble cooking rice on a stovetop, using a metal pot with a decent lid, but I’ve used rice cookers in a couple of vacation places I stayed and decided to try one, and I’ve found that I like the “put stuff in the pot and ignore it” aspect. Mine was about $30, medium-sized, and included a steamer basket.

Recommendations based on using cheap rice cookers - “Don’t do what I did”

  • Really cheap ones like mine have two settings - “cook” and “warm”. Some cheap ones also have an “off” setting, which lets you leave the pot plugged in when you’re not using it. Get that, if you can.
  • The top can either be open with a pot-lid that you put on it, or it can be hinged with a clamp and an inner lining. Get the kind with a pot-lid. The lining on the clamp one is annoying to clean, and if you’ve got leftover rice and want to put it in the fridge, you’ll need a lid, and it won’t be the same diameter as any of the pot lids in your kitchen, and you’ll end up going back to the store and spending $3 for a lid anyway.

$37.99 Tatung fuzzy logic one on sale (Taiwanese rice cooker brand). I have a cooker already and even I am tempted.

I cooked rice in a pot for a long time, perhaps 30 years (calendar time, not cook time grin). During an extended discussion with my Thai late sister-in-law who was an outstanding cook within her cuisine I had an attitude shift. Lamoun said there are two ways to cook rice: with a bamboo steamer for sticky rice and in a rice cooker. On a subsequent visit she brought us a rice cooker (we already had a steamer as sticky rice is a regular treat - have you HAD sticky rice and mango?). I have no idea what it is. No labels of any kind. Probably not UL or CE. One button. Works brilliantly. No, you can’t have it. It’s mine. grin

I have one, also a Zojirushi bread machine and a Zojirushi water boiler. I have never failed to be impressed with Zoji products. Not very cheap, but you get what you pay for.


Even my Zojirushi thermos is great. A pain to clean, but after going through way too many thermoses, I put up with it. Although I haven’t heard of complaints with newer items, I loved the novelty of older Zojirushi items being made in Japan. I just came back from Osaka where I found some Tiger brand thermoses made in Japan, but I still like my Zojirushi better.

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There was a study that Zojirushi users are more loyal to Zojirushi than Tiger users:e.g. customer loyalty. I will see if I can find it.