Recreating Regular Chowhound Boards Here

Does Hungry Onion’s software provide a way to rearrange posts in a nested structure like used on Chowhound, YouTube comments, Instagram comments, Reddit, etc? It took me a year to get used to this style, and I actually prefer it now, but sometimes I wish I could temporarily format it the other way.

I am fairly sure the answer is no but the question is most usefully asked on Site Discussions. If I know how to move this post there, I would. :slightly_smiling_face:

It is easy to see if a particular post is a reply to someone (there is a curved arrow in the top right corner showing who it is a reply to) – just click on that arrow and it shows you the post or, when applicable, the whole back and forth.

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I’m not sure how much general detail is available there, or if HO uses all available options, but here’s a link to Discourse, the software both HO and FTC run on. It may be helpful.

The way the software displays the “original” after clicking on the curved arrow always confuses me. The default layout is just not designed for a nested discussion and if I have more than one curved arrow clicked, I get digital dizziness very quickly. I think I’ll search the Discourse site @Midlife linked to and see if there’s a way. Every couple months there’s a thread where I wish I had such a feature.


@MidwesternerTT For the time being, only mods can create and apply tags, to avoid all type of organization problem or confusion. So I believe you can go ahead to create the thread as needed, I will add the tags afterwards.


No. The software developer is adamant that this structure is better. I forgot what his arguments, but he certainly is very opinionated about it.

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Not exactly.

I think I see a new member asking this somewhere, maybe I can explain how reply works.

There are 2 types of REPLIES in HO.

If you want a kind of nesting structure, when one replies to a post, by using the reply button under the post (see example below)
Under that post, you will see X Replies on the left.

Screen Shot 2022-03-10 at 14.28.21

Click X Replies, you will see all the related replies to that post.
I think it’s the best this system can do. Note that this structure works only on computer, tablets, it won’t work on phones (unless you use the function of requesting Desktop Website in your mobile browser)

Screen Shot 2022-03-10 at 14.28.59

The blue button under all the posts is the second type of reply, it is a reply to the whole thread, to the first post, to be exact.


Is this happening? I mean in April.

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As the person who’s coordinated it on CH, I can answer. In a word, no. We had decided to do three four-month selections there this year instead of quarterly, so one was ongoing, but instead of trying to bring it over here, especially since most times it gets less traffic than COTM, it made more sense to me for us transplants to settle into the community here and see if folks are interested. If so, I’d be more than happy to continue coordinating on whatever timeline seems desirable. How does that sound?


Glad you can help.

Anyway, we can just go ahead and give it a try, as baking cook book of month/quarter/trimester doesn’t exist in here, we don’t have enough bakers to create such an event. This will be something new.


well, we’re getting on for a year after the OP. I reckon HO is doing OK.

(Too much initialising there, Harters. Do try harder)


There is no easy way to identify Long Island posts here. My memory is a bit faded, but CH did have a board for Long Island, plus I think Queens. and maybe NYC Outer Boroughs. Since the NY Times abandoned Long Island, and Newsday only writes see no evil reviews, I have no reliable source for local dining and food information.

I would like to see a Ling Island/Queens board here.

NYC covers all five boroughs (pretty sure CH had both Manhattan and Outer Boroughs board). LI would fall under New York, here. Did you search for LI-tagged posts?

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Hoe do I do that? I just looked at “all tags” and Long Island was not seem.

Ah, I guess no one’s tagging it. I searched for “long island” in all boards, and got some threads. None of them terribly recent, however.

If there were a Long Island board prominently announced, perhaps there would be enough interest to encourage a few posts.

Sure, why not. You should @ the mods and request.

Put [Long Island] in square brackets when you post about Long Island.

The search function here is much better than other boards. Save your searches for Long Island or specific neighborhoods and cities.

That’s what I do.

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I thought that posting on this thread would have that effect.

The (volunteer) mods don’t monitor every single thread on this site. I believe they have day jobs.

BUT if you tag @moderators they will see it. Like now.