Recent Cookbook Aquisitions

I purged cases and cases of non cookbooks in October, agree, very liberating. Unfortunately I need to tuck the cookbooks in at night…:upside_down_face: nobody I know even wants them :scream_cat:


Not a cookbook as such, but there are some recipes in Jay Rayner’s “My Last Supper”. Well worth a read


Maybe a local library would want a donation of your cookbooks to resell in their book sale? Nice way to pay it forward if such a possibility exists in your community.

Yes! Will definitely do something like that when it comes time to part ways @tomatotomato. But I have to get them raised first, before they’re ready to fly the coop! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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We donate all surplus books of whatever genre to one of the local charity shops.

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Much the same here. Our library book sale raises money for the town library.

When I volunteered to sort books for the most recent sale, I found 4 different books on napkin folding of all things. Napkin folding! I can’t say I was surprised to see those donated.


What a good idea. Our libraries, here in the UK, are under so much financial pressure. Many libraries have been closed by local councils, or hours shortened or staff posts made redundant.

70’s Philadelphia

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OH no! Hope you are feeling better by now : )

I love library sales. You are buying books and? Helping books!

Last December, I hit my local “once a month sale” at my library and scored. Beautiful, looking like new recent cookbooks, as many as I could fit in a bag for $10. It gave me heaps of fun stocking stuffers for friends. And yet? My fav cookbook buy of the month was a $3 thrift shop buy - finding copy of an old cookbook I’d given to a friend - and missed heaps.

It’s a fun read and surprisingly handy. Her version of rice pudding is very simple - and incredibly rich.


Just received this book. Lots of beautiful photos. Already see a few recipes I want to try.


I have been eyeing at this. Let me know what you think about it!

Anybody has The Whole Fish Cookbook: New Ways to Cook, Eat and Think. Wondering if I need this.


@Rooster, can’t thank you enough for mentioning the book Sababa. I got a hard copy, and am so excited to cook from it. It’s well written, and beautifully photographed, with extremely approachable recipes IMO.

BTW, the next ie cream experiment will be date flavored with toasted pecans. Depending on that result, I may try the tahini/date syrup combo with toasted almonds for textural interest.

That book was well under my radar, so appreciated the sharing of it on this thread.

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Excellent! I agree and your very welcome. I look forward to your results.

I learnt about fantastic Oaxacan cuisine during my research for this trip to Baja Sur. Already know I will be eating/visiting Oaxaca and the Yulcatan in the future.


This is the latest; absolutely beautiful with fantastic looking recipes. Unlike my last 300 or so thrift, used or new cookbooks, it wasn’t even a clandestine purchase, unbelievably…but the 2 I ordered yesterday will have to be cleverly intercepted. But one is for a fundraiser, sooo doesn’t really count. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t know anything about it. I see the tag line but any more history on the intent of the book?

This should help @Thimes. Haven’t really delved into it much, but beautiful photography, great writing and many foods I love. Will report back after a thorough perusal.

