Raw Milk. Do you believe in Raw Milk?

What about rabbit milk?

That sounds like a lot of work!


I help developed a few assays for rat milk. I assume rabbit milk cannot be more difficult

Ha ha ha. Are you starting to feel weird now?


Weird doesn’t begin to capture it.


Looks like good research though!

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Yup, and for some it’s a real necessity. The judgement thing is odd, though. Why judge that milk is bad? If an animal is ethically raised and well cared for, it’s a good, sustaining food. How ethically grown are the ingredients in the alternative milks? Pesticides? Herbicides? How about their packaging or the additional processing and additives needed to make them palatable or nutritionally sound? Those “ethical” milks keep all the pesky negatives like nitrogen runoff, and watershed and habitat destruction at arms length. It’s not such an easy choice when you look at the big picture.


The high cost, both ecologically and financially, of irrigating a desert to produce almond milk in southern California.

Ok. This is indeed a new rabbit hole

Heck, I can barely tolerate you when you don’t drink cow’s milk. :wink:

Sorry! Not sorry!

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On the steppes in Mongolia milk is a major part of the diet. Fermented and not. may have fueled the movement of Genghis Khan, or whatever they call him now.

Yeah. That is in fact one of the speculations.

" Genetic mutations

The Evolution Of Us is a two-part Netflix documentary looking for clues in the genome to understand humankind’s evolution. “Many genetic mutations affect our ability to digest food and some may have changed the course of history,” states the narrator. In the early 13th century the Jin Dynasty boasted perhaps the largest army in the word. In neighbouring Mongolia, Genghis Khan’s army would have been tiny by comparison yet they would go on to conquer the Jin Dynasty’s giant army. The Mongolian warriors may have had “a secret weapon hidden in their DNA” – their ability to drink large quantities of horse’s milk and cheese made them leaner and stronger fighting machines.

This genetic mutation brought practical advantages, too. Jack Weatherford, author of Genghis Khan and The Making of the Modern World , explains in the documentary that the Mongol army’s horses doubled up as transport and food source, giving them a huge advantage over their Chinese neighbours who relied on a diet of carbohydrates which had to be carried around with them. “They may have only had 100,000 soldiers,” says Weatherford, “but every soldier was a warrior.”"

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For all of the food that’s raised and those it benefits.

Raw blood and fresh milk compared to Pop Tarts, Eggos, anything in a box plastic wrap. The Masai certainly appear very healthy folk. Of course, it’s not just diet. They physically work all the time.

I eat gizzards all the time. Milk seems inoffensive when compared.

A local Middle Eastern market sells powdered camel milk.

I haven’t purchased it as I don’t drink milk (I’ve never liked it as a beverage) and I haven’t found an intriguing recipe that includes camel milk.

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Let’s start a list of drinkable animal milk. I will start:

Cattle cow milk
Buffalo milk
Goat milk

I guess your camel milk

Anything else?

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Sheep milk.

I was thinking about that…to me, goat and sheep… but I haven’t seen sheep milk being sold.

I think yak milk is a thing. And water buffalo; is that different from a regular buffalo?

Aw, c’mon Ellen. I’d try it just for the heck of it!


(Okay, maybe I’m lying - but I would try real/fresh camel milk, just for the chance of having tried it!)