Raw Milk. Do you believe in Raw Milk?

It’s pretty easy now with so many people sharing good content on their food blogs. But the main reason is the groceries close here don’t carry it, and the Indian-focused groceries are too far away.

With one daughter being vegetarian it’s a good meat substitute (she will eat cheese and butter) when I’m making Thai or Indian dishes, and while I could use tofu, paneer is much better IMHO.

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I do not believe in raw milk. Obviously some sort of government plot. Canadian most likely.


The reason many recipes caution against using ultra-pasteurized milk and cream is flavor and texture.

I’ve found that using ultra-pasteurized cream in candy or ice cream gives the finished product a chalky flavor and a less velvet texture.

It can be challenging to find cream that isn’t ultra-pasteurized. Where I live, Los Angeles, CA, it is easy to find milk that isn’t ultra m-pasteurized.

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Doesn’t curdle “right.” Same for setting yogurt.
(You can boil and cool it and then start again, and that works better.)

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Sameeeeeeee :rofl:

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Seems like we have a good mix of people who believe raw milk to be better (taste and texture) vs raw milk to be worse (health risk). Thanks.

Naf, how does sheep or goat milk/cheese affect you? I can consume dairy from any other animal (even bufala mozzarella…go figure…with zero nasty effects.

Mine is related to proteins as well as lactose, because lactose-free and A2 milked are kinder but still wreak havoc on my tummy.

I tried a whey protein shake early after I figured out I was lactose intolerant on the advice of a friend who is *just lactose intolerant.

Oh good lort…it was a disaster.


Darn, I was hoping that A2 only milk was easier for people (one of my daughters).

We haven’t tried it yet but it’s recently become available around here. I thought it was a gimmick but after some review, it’s what it says it is.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive. However, for me, the health risks outweigh any flavor and texture benefit.


Correct. I do mean the benefits vs risks. Thanks for stating this. It makes it more clear.
Another classic example is the risk and benefit of eating raw fish like sushi. (not saying raw milk is the same as raw fish… just saying there are risks and benefits too)

Dairy sensitivity varies wildly from one person to another, so don’t take my experience as anything hard and fast.

Your girls may well tolerate it…it all depends on their own body.

I know lots of people who do fine with A2 or Lactaid…others can tolerate small doses (especially if they take a lactase tablet)…others can’t tolerate any dairy from any animal.

I got to mine by trial and error… start with a discussion with their doctor and go from there.

Would I drink unpasteurized milk? Nope.

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That stuff is just awful - horrible taste

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Never really tried sheep goat milk, but good point, will test it out! I can eat bufala cheese or fresh goat cheese without much problem.

I don’t know why anyone past puberty drinks milk, raw or otherwise. Disgusting stuff. A good raw milk cheese on the other hand is a thing of beauty. Save a cow and prevent methane farts. Drink whiskey.

Much as I enjoy single malts, it’s generally not my beverage of choice with breakfast. YMMV.

I like something cold to drink with breakfast foods (which more often than not include a variety of raw milk cheeses), but I despise the cloying sweetness of OJ, and plain water doesn’t cut it for me. OTOH, I love the creamy neutrality of most 2% milks; our local shit actually has flavor.

Of course, I’ve barely even entered puberty, so there’s that.

I do my best to not judge what other people eat or drink. It’s not my money and it’s not my mouth so not convinced they need my opinion.


I think disgusting is a very subjective feeling. I am sure you know many people like milk. Even my own taste preference changed over time. I used to dislike ginger and okra. Now i like them. Everyone is different and even a 14 year old me can be different than a 41 year old me.


My husband drinks Crown (most of the time) but always has a glass of cold Braums whole milk with dinner at home. I’ll pass on your advice to him though.

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I musta struck a nerve on all the milk drinkers.

Don’t express opinions? Seriously? If we didn’t express opinions this whole site would have very little reason to exist.

Like Daniel Moynihan said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not your own facts. Lots of people have a hard time distinguishing the difference.

I like to think as I grew older and hopefully wiser or at least a little less clueless I learned a few things and my taste buds developed so that I can easily tell the difference between a Cabernet and a Pinot noir or a single malt scotch from a bourbon or a rye blindfolded. As a child I would eat a bowl of Frosted Flakes with milk and think they’re great. I can’t stomach it now. Taste changes for most people as they grow up. There’s a lot of scientific literature about it. I am thankful that I don’t eat like my 8 or 14 year old self. Everyone has their own taste and everyone has an opinion on what they think tastes good and not. If I express my opinion you’re free to disagree with it. If you think I should not express my own, well I would love to see everyone else do the same.

Didn’t realize milk drinkers were so sensitive.

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