Onebox Issues

@hungryonion - Any idea why some links are not generating oneboxes? (See this thread as an example, though all those links are to the same place.)

Edited to add: the same issue is happening on FTC with the same links.

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I dont know if I’ve seen it here, but on some other Discourse-run websites, as I’m pasting in the link, the preview pane(1) will pop up a notice blaming a lack of proper descriptors at the linked 'site for the One Box load failure.

(1) On laptop, I mean. I can’t see preview pane on my phone.

I can’t imagine that’s a problem at NYT, though.


Ok, so it’s not a problem with the gift link, given the base URL also failed to load the onebox.


So it looks like a “here” problem.


This was just a test; please respond here.

What Your Grocery Cart Says About You

It used to make a difference if I tried to use the app vs the web page, but not this time

Oh wait…I noticed it filled out in the preview the second time I pasted it! It reads “unlocked”

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What gives?

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How did you make this magic happen?

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:person_shrugging:t5: I was wondering if it made a difference if you entered something else first.

Why Do So Many Food Documentaries Seem to Think We’re Stupid?



Bummer, man. Hopefully TPTB have a fix for this :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Onebox fine here.

It could just be that Onebox doesn’t recognize certain link format like gift links. This is a potential enhancement for the developers, but it isn’t a bug.

It’s been working fine till now though

Also I tried posting a gift link and a non-gift link with the same result

It’s also inconsistent — works sometimes, doesn’t others

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Your quote literally shows just the blue links as opposed to a proper preview, like it used to be.

As others have mentioned, this is no longer reliably happening, and it’s a new thing, so it presumably has to do with the site :woman_shrugging:t3:

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The same exact problem is happening on Food Talk Central, so I’m not sure what the cause is.

A hack on food fora? Oh, my! :scream:

Yep. But it seems a bit better after an update

I did some reading, though not much, on the main forums. Most of the tech talk went over my head.

FWIW, the issue is happening on non-food-related forums, too. Some domains will consistently generate the oneboxes and others are inconsistent, with a few never generating them.

Edited to add link to discourse and following paragraph.

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Test regular link

Test gift link

Test regular link

Test gift link

None of your links worked for me either, but others do.