The only time I saw a very handy setup like that at my local Sprouts was during the Grand Opening weekend. I understood your circumstances, mine was with the coffee bins. My impression after speaking with the store Mgr. is that the store setups creates a need for employees to stay vigilant. Sprouts seems to leave a good deal of food loose and out of packaging. Perhaps the staff keep an eye on samples so they stay “one to a customer” reminds me of Costco and folks who “graze” the sample stations.
Actually, this is my second purchase of the product. These are really really really good. Better than pickles.
If it helps Sprouts any, I recently forgot some expensive lotion on the bagging area after paying.
By which I mean at the time, I assume they will sell it again.
Or have been holding it at Customer Service awaiting your return.
I’ve visited! Nice place.
Go back with your receipt and tell them what happened. I’m sure you will get a replacement!
Exactly @shrinkrap what @ChristinaM said.
Is it pomelos, or yuzu? For some reason I always thought it was yuzu. Both of them smell fantastic, and pomelos are one of my favorite fruits. They’ve been coming into grocery stores since September, but they’ve been extremely expensive. Looking forward to a few sales for me to finally get one!
A yuzu bath is traditionally done on the northern hemisphere’s winter solstice, the shortest・darkest day of the year which falls on either 12/21, 12/22 or 12/23 (this year it’s 12/21).
Putting pomelos into a bathtub isn’t really something that is done only on specific days, but generally in winter (which would make sense as that’s when they’re in season!)
IIRC, it’s easier in this country to find pomelos around Chinese New Year when they are one of the traditional gifts. I did see some in the market yesterday, but they weren’t looking too fresh and were high priced to boot!
I just for 2 pretty beat up ones from Imperfect foods. Will try tomorrow.
I once reported seeing a kid eating olives out of the olive bar at Whole Foods. The staff had to replace everything.
I no longer do olive bars. Sad. However, since the pandemic, I’ve noticed small prepcked containers at Wegmans.
That’s how they come to us, when they are available. All sorts of things are becoming scarce again.
These little pouches are packed with flavor and turned chicken parts and plain rice into really tasty meals with little fuss.
Actually not new; this is the second time I’ve gotten one, but I look constantly, both in person and on Instacart. Instacart for the win …
My new favorite tomato soup.
I usually make my own, but this even better than TJ’s creamy tomato soup. It’s got a hint of garlic, pronounced tomato & basil flavor, and not a whisper of that darn butternut they smuggled into this (which I hadn’t seen, and which might’ve stopped me from purchasing).
Lick-your-bowl-clean good
But I haven’t tried them yet.
I bought these at a produce market in Toronto’s Koreatown, Bloor Fruit Market. First time to use them. I’ll fry them tonight.
These shimeiji / shimeji were bitter. I’m too basic, apparently. Into the green bin.
Were they bitter for you when eaten raw or cooked ? They are quite bitter when raw or not cooked long enough but when you cook them long enough they get a nice earthy, nutty flavor
I fried them in butter for quite a while, more than 10 minutes over medium heat, I had almost wondered if I overcooked them.
I guess I could try cooking them longer if I buy them again.
Any liquid was cooked off. I haven’t made them before. I don’t know if this was a mediocre batch.