My new pepper roaster!

Hi Greg,

You’re tempting me to try it–just for fun!

I put the pepper, cored and sliced into about thirds, on a jelly roll pan and blacken them under the broiler. I put a matching pan on top to steam them. Skins slip right off and the roasted slices are ready to use or freeze. I do tomatoes the same way. It lacks the cachet of expanded metal over a flame, but it is easy.


Today’s roasted peppers.

So far I’ve made an egg and roasted pepper sandwich, but I’m going to need a better plan.


Sure you don’t want to make a chili rolleno?

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Of course! But I prefer the poblanos for that, and I ate most of the ready ones last week.

Interesting - I shouldn’t have been surprised, but didn’t know there was a widget specifically for this.

I just put them on the grate, if large enough like poblanos so they won’t fall through, or for smaller ones I just set them in the spider and put that on the grate.