Microgreens...what say you?

Not new concept. The seed quilts are super convenient. Windowsill gardening.

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Or damp paper towels. Sixth grade science project.

Not at the rate I’m harvesting now.
Paper towels are precious these days, :wink:

Haven’t read this thread, but will do so. Love most all greens, most of them raw or cooked, a few I can’t handle raw. Micro greens are little power houses of nutrition, but all greens are good, excepting some lettuces that have crunch, but little nutrition. Which is ok too, as they make a nice base for other good and nutritious foods. Bioavailability is better with fresh foods than supplements. The supplement industry would have you believe differently, with their advertising and proprietary formula claims. That’s why they’re under the close purview of the FDA. Not for ingredients, but for false or misleading labeling claims. I’m no expert, but that’s some of the little I know.

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If these didn’t taste great, I would have used up the initial gift and moved on. I’ve reordered seed quilts 4x’s. I like this little company. No duds on the quilts and with 12+ flavors seeds to grow, I’m not bored.

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Excellent, might have to try. Glad you’re having fun with it and aren’t bored @Rooster.

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Fenugreek sprouts, 4 day growers.


Didn’t grow my own from seeds, h is possessed in the pro food shop and keeps buying them. The advantage: they are in pots and I keep them this way until they are needed.

Shiso green

Purple shiso

Vene cress

Red mustard


Limon cress



Those are lovely! The ones called “galic”; are they from seeds from scapes or something?

Actually it tastes a bit like the leeks shoots, mild compare to garlic but still quite powerful. I read garlic has seeds, black ones like onion.

They all look really fresh. Nice.

They need to be watered several times a day with a spray, sometimes I forget and they can dry up quite quickly. Now they are in some type of cotton foam, maybe I should transfer them to soil?

I would hydropod them, not dirt.

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I guess with dirt, they grow large and fast.

No longer microgreens.