McDonald's in General


Three types of macros: fats, carbs and protein.

I always liked McDonald’s . Favorite is the big mac with a cheeseburger. Where i live its not that good. Just different.
After eating this combo . I wasn’t hungry for many hours . If dropped on a deserted island. For my last meal. This would be my meal of choice.

Any thoughts about variations in receptor sensitivity to leptin, insulin, ghrelin etc ? I had a pre-diabetes issue, but do not have a weight issue, and remain curious. Perhaps a different thread.

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Those are hormones that regulate our hunger or appetite, esp. leptin.

But just because these horomones may affect our appetite, like ghrelin may make us hungrier, we sas human beings still have to consume the food (or “calories in”) or effectuate the signals that ghrelin is signaling to our brain.

Ghrelin does not directly make us fat – it simply signals our brain that we are hungry and should be eating. It only causes obesity if the body follows what the brain is signaling.

You could have skyrocketing high levels of ghrelin, but if you don’t eat, you’re not going to get fat. Ghrelin, by itself, will not cause weight gain, it’s what ghrelin causes you to do (i.e. eat more) that results in added weight (assuming the “calories out” equation remains constant).

I’ll buy that, but I’m not sure how that helps in the long term context of weight management and related maladies. Ignore the role of environment, appetite and satiety?

I don’t have answers to that question, if I did I would be wealthy beyond imagination.

I am just saying that when people say that ghrelin (for example) is cause of obesity, it’s a bit of a blunt statement.

It still comes down to how “calories in, calories out.”

Yes, the “calories in” part - when unpacked - is a sausage made up of hormones, self-control (or lack thereof), satiety, appetite, etc., but no matter what one still has to consume the calories and burn off those calories if one wants to maintain weight at a stable number.

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“I would be wealthy beyond imagination.”

I was thinking exactly that! What are you still doing on HO?!? (JK. We appreciate you!)

[quote=“ipsedixit, post:206, topic:28680”]
I am just saying that when people say that ghrelin (for example) is cause of obesity, it’s a bit of a blunt statement.

I never said that.

"It still comes down to how “calories in, calories out.”

I can’t get this quote thing to work! Mods???.

That sounds equally simplistic to me. There are so many examples of us attributing behavior to hormones, and the "self control " part makes me shudder, but I’ll leave that alone on a thread called “McDonald’s in General”.

It’s not really about what insurance companies think, is it?

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Highlight the text. Then click in the quote box that should pop up and take you to the text input screen.


Just tried a McDonald burger: Quarter pound Deluxe. I think the thicker patty definitely makes it a bit more juicy and has a bite. It was a ok burger, but nothing too special. I will just have to taste a few more other franchises to see now.

My photo

Their photo


In 'n Out is by far the most consistent for me (always good - except for the fries)… but a Carl’s SuperStar w/cheese or a Wendy’s Double can be better provided it is a good outlet. Unfortunately, various Wendy’s and Carl’s locations can be hit or miss.


Yeah. In n’ Out is always good. I didn’t like the fries the first time, but after a few times, then it grew on me. Carl’s Jr used to be my treat. When I was a poor college student, eating out Carl’s Jr was a treat. I probably only get to eat it once a month. Anyway, I particularly liked their Western Bacon cheeseburger. The last time I was at a Carl’s Jr, it was not as good. I wonder if that particular store is not that good or that my expectation has shifted.


The one here is still quite good. The main variables are great, ripe produce, or sometimes white in the middle tomatoes… sometimes greasy limp fries or onion rings.

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Since we were talking about In n Out. I went out to get one. $3.99 for a cheese hamburger. The McDonald quarter pounder deluxe was $6.XX.

The In n Out burger tastes a better, but not massively better. So McDonald did ok with the Quarter Pounder. On the other hand, notice how similar my In n Out burger compared to the advertisement photo?


Yup… they are very consistent, plus you can order one with grilled onions at no extra charge (which I always do - lots of extra flavor).


I will try that. I have never been a big fan of raw onion, but I figure that is their recommended style, so I go along with it.

Note you can also order mustard grilled patties, an Animal Style that comes with same, plus pickles and grilled onions, and some other “secret menu items”… just Google it.

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I just tried one via the drive through. Had to pull into a parking space to eat it, it was definitely too messy for driving and eating. I was surprised it had Mayo - in addition to the usual mustard and ketchup. It really wasn’t bad; it was not freezing cold like my Whoppers and Whopper Juniors usually are. Came very close to what I remember as a lunch counter burger.


The Quarter Pounder? Yeah, it wasn’t bad. Same thing… I noticed many McDonald have now becoming entirely take out (no more dine in). I think since Covid…some of then realize that they can get most of their business just from drive through, and some have reopen the dine-in option, but some have continued to block off the dine-in. Not sure if you have noticed this.

I always dine in the car- haven’t noticed. I know they’re all complaining about being short-staffed.

Man… now that I think back (search my soul). I think my most favorite McDonald item when I was a kid was: chicken nuggets. But I don’t think I had one for 20-25 years now. I have a feeling that I probably won’t love the chicken nuggets as much now.

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