Mayo: love it or hate it?

What if the mustard is also not yellow?

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:thinking: Well, there’s a conundrum!

What an insightful suggestion. Only a burger lover knows this.

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Mayo is the best-selling condiment (some debate if it is first or second).

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Funny, I omit the cheese if it is yellow.


(post deleted by author)

I am seeing more avocado mayo at supermarkets. Has anyone tried it? Does it taste better or worse? Is the selling point for health or taste?

I think a lot of that mayo (more than the other items in the chart) is used as an ingredient, rather than as a condiment. I.e. cups of mayo in dressings and dips as a creamy base vs applied directly to food as an “enhancement”

I agree since I often see those big buckets of mayo. Thanks for your information.

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Yes, I take your point, it is extremely popular, though maybe under appreciated as the fantastic and convenient sauce that it is. If that makes sense? (It’s so ubiquitous as to be completely ordinary, rather than the extraordinary creation it is.)


No. 100% agree with you. In my original reply, I wrote more, but deleted some. I also think some people won’t want to admit how much they like mayo. :slight_smile:
Mayo on Takoyaki, okonomiyaki

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There are a number of incarnations of avocado mayos:

1.) Avocado oil mayo
2.) Avocado as a replacement for mayo, with various acids and seasoning.
3.) Avocado added to mayo, with various acids and seasoning.

I’ve only seen number 1 in supermarkets. It’s a bit healthier than veg oil mayo, but is pricier and stil contains eggs.

As for numbers 2 & 3, maybe just do a good guac… lot’s of ways to do it depending on which dish you’re making (including mayo if you want).

I really prefer mushrooms and swiss atop my burger and possibly with dijon. We need a ‘Burgers and all the accoutrements thread’!


You are correct. I think the one I see in the supermarket is the number 1 you have stated. They are significantly more expensive. Have you tried it? I haven’t.

I haven’t. I am a fan of Best Foods mayo, and while avocado oil is healthier than the soybean oil BF uses, it is no guaranty it will taste as good.

Both oils are relatively tasteless, so all things being equal I doubt there will be a difference… but in most (maybe all) cases all things won’t be equal. (c;

We have one. I just don’t know how to do the linky thingie
What goes on your burger?

ETA: created by @bbqboy and responded to by @mts Somehow I missed that thread even though I have some strong thoughts on the subject. I’ve switched that thread to Tracking in the event that it revives.

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I tried the Sir Kensington avocado mayo. I didn’t notice much difference in taste, but it separated in the jar fairly quickly, in a couple of weeks in the fridge.


Thank you!


If you are referring to mayo made with avocado oil rather than neutral vegetable oil, yes, I have tried it. It’s fine if you like the flavor of avocado, but even as an avocado lover I don’t want that flavor everywhere I might want mayonnaise. I have yet to taste any “alternative oil” mayo that tastes like I want mayo to taste.

Ps: my DH doesn’t care for avocados and he HATED the avocado mayo. It is definitely NOT a neutral flavor.

Pps: I think the brand I bought was Primal Kitchen, from Costco.