Making ginger scallion sauce

Hey Chem…how long does the green onion/ginger oil keep? Is it something I can make and keep on hand or only when I plan on using it?

Do you have a rough ratio? I haven’t really had a green onion/ginger sauce but do make a scallion oil for Viet cuisine and it looks kind of similar. Is it very salty like fermenting chiles? Thanks

Well, I am just reading a recipe now.
He/she is using
70 gram green onion (scallion), 30 gram ginger, and 1 teaspoon of salt.

I would say I use equal weight of green onion and ginger, and I add salt to taste… my recent one is:
100 gram green onion, 100 gram ginger and 1 teaspoon of salt. Essentially, I have less salt. Come to think of it, I think his recipe is actually probably more normal. I may have used more ginger than most people do. I should have cut it down.

Yes, I would say it is quiet salty. You won’t use a lot on your meat. Yes, I think you are right. It looks very similar to Vietnamese scallion oil. I think the main difference is that I would add the hot oil to the ingredients, as oppose to adding the ingredients to the hot oil and pan.

To me, it is just a very simple sauce to make. Just ginger, green onion and salt, and then add hot oil. There is no expensive ingredient, no long prep time, and no long cook time.

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I make the same, except I don’t use hot oil, the spring onion isn’t cooked.

This is the recipe I use. It is in the top three of the many new recipes I’ve tried over the last few years.

Momofuku Ginger-Scallion Sauce

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That looks tasty Wich - I’m gonna try it. Maybe with some shrimp or chicken.

I LOVE that one!! It does make a ton- and i found that two days later it wasn’t nearly as good, but day of and day after were great. I just halved the recipe last time so i could polish it off faster

The best ginger scallion sauce that I have ever tasted actually didn’t have ginger in it. It was at The Chairman in Hong Kong a few years (think of that place as the Chez Panisse of Cantonese food, at least at that time). What made it so good was I believe the use of liquid chicken fat instead of the oil usually used in ginger scallion sauce, and some insanely fragrant scallion. It was substantially better than any ginger scallion sauce that I tried before or afterwards, ginger or not. The whole sauce was just bursting with chicken-y flavors.


The photo looks so nice. Ok… it has a little more ginger scallion sauce than it needs to be, but the presentation is awesome.

What is the best way to store fresh ginger to prevent mildew or aging once you cut into the root?

I just put it back to the fridge. The cut part will dry out and act to protect it. I used to wrap it with a film, but didn’t see much difference. Usually if the root is in good shape, it lasts about 2-3 weeks or even a month. Examine well when buying it, no soft parts or mold. Try to buy a smaller size root. Or cut in smaller size and freeze them, but aroma is far from fresh ones.

(NB. I notice if you like to eat cheese, try to put them in a sealed box, if not everything seems to mold quickly in the fridge.)

A zip bag in the fridge works, especially if you will be using it within a month. Otherwise it freezes well (but easy to get lost) or it does fine submerged in vodka.

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Try wrap the cut ginger in papertowel or paper bag (at room temperature is fine). The idea is to keep it from drying out, but not air seal like a plastic bag. It will last longer.

Thanks. I’m trying the leave it out dry wrapped. The ziplock and cold storage didnt work for us. Added to a liquid method will chg the flavor. Appreciate the help.

I never tried this keep this way out of fridge, how long it can be kept in this way? Will there be spouts?

When I buy a ginger root in store, most of the time, I see it being cut in some part and the end dried out (just the cut part not the whole root), so I assume drying it out is fine.

Oh, I start reading more about it, it is a stem, not a root.

Thanks for the information. As for the wrapping, it is simply to reduce drying out a little. I think the gingers at the store has a high turn around, so they don’t worry too much. If we use ginger relatively quick at home, then it is fine. It is just that sometime I don’t use them quick enough, and they dry out (not just the cut part).
I guess it is a balance. If the ginger is very fresh and even wet, then drying out is fine, but if the ginger is already pretty dry, then I will try to prevent it getting even more dried.

True, older ginger, the skin is very difficult to peel when the rhizome softens.

After some reading… another choice, is to have a ginger plant, you can have ginger all the time. Well of course if you like gardening…

this is off topic but vaguely remembery your asking how to store ginger? Cannot find the thread

My father came to visit me in 1969. When he found out how much ginger cost at the regular store( not Asian store), he flipped. He says perhaps he should start dealing with the superstores in sending ginger here to the US. Apparently , he found out that ginger is stored in dirt when they are shipped here from the Far East or carribean.
Hope. this helps . I buy big chunk when I visit Asian store, just left them in my fridge, not even in the crisper section as I want to be able to see it quickly when I need it. I tyoically try to find the ones that are not slightly translucent (? is that because they8 got frozen ?) and they last me a long time.
I was inn Va a few weeks ago. Was in one fo those Asian carry out restaurant. In front of their store is a rectangular bin. T&here must be around 3-4 dozen spring onions planted there. I do. not know whether they were purchased and planted there or they grew them from seeds?
Well, it was obvious that they go and snip the top part of the spring onions whenever they need it.
I am always running out of fresh spring onions as they are cheap at the Asian store, 3 bunches for a dollar often and when they re 6 bunches for a buck, I buy all 6 but they do not stay fresh. So, I. have some dried fried ones as back up. Wander if anyone ever try planting spring onions and snipping it off whatever they need the way that restaurant does it?