Lunch 2024

I’ve poached salmon a few times recently, nice in a “ lettuce cup” arrangement as well. I sometimes shave fennel into it.


Salmon and fennel are a match made in heaven, which is why I replace the traditional carrot in lohikeitto with shaved fennel :heart_eyes:


Chicken Sindhi biryani following this recipe that uses Shan Sindhi biryani masala:

I used a whole packet instead of half. I thought it came out pretty well, I didn’t overcook the rice this time.


Are you parboiling the rice or fully cooking it. You want it half raw, so it can finish cooking in the steam of the meat — then it doesn’t overcook.

The other thing is how much liquid is at the bottom — that video was a little too liquidy for me. If you have just enough sauce to coat the meat, then it cooks out and steams into the rice. But if the gravy is wet when you layer the rice, it’s going to make the rice soggier than it should be (biryani is not a wet prep, it should be pretty dry in the end, that’s why there’s raita and in some regions even saalan / meat gravy served alongside).


I cooked the rice to not quite done, put in boiling water for about 5-6 minutes and then drained. I think my biryani could have been a little drier, maybe I will use less water next time though there is only half a cup added in the recipe (the back of the box says 2 cups which would have been too much if not cooked down). Or maybe cook it down a little more. The tomatoes also add some liquid.


Btw- did the Shan packet have an apricot inside? I’ve not understood the difference between their Sindhi biryani packet and the Bombay biryani one, bec the latter is Sindhi biryani. (Maybe it’s just recognizability for Pakistanis who would know Sindhi biryani but probably not Bombay biryani.)

I just remembered the biryani thread :joy:


No apricot, but there are dried plums!

I saw Shan Bombay biryani masala in my local Indian grocery as well, I might give that a try next time. And maybe will compare the contents with the Sindhi biryani packet. In the meantime I have 5 more servings of this Sindhi biryani to eat :smiley:


I think I’ll be getting take-out Biryani in the near future thanks to this conversation :rofl:


I did it! Like @Mr_Happy , the other day, I had In-n-Out for lunch! I walked 13km/8mi round-trip to get it and it was well worth the effort. I absolutely knew I couldn’t finish a Double-Double and just ordered a regular cheeseburger (with grilled onions), fries (well-done, natch!) and a small lite pink lemonade.

The lemonade was sweetened with stevia and monk fruit extract. I’d had stevia many times before and like it, but I’d never had monk fruit extract before. It’s not uncommon in Japan, but is called “Lakanka” there and as is often the case here in the states is mixed with erythritol. I won’t use anything with erythritol in it because of the reported possibility of getting blood clots. The lemonade was a bit too sweet for me so next time I go to In-n-Out (and there WILL BE a next time!) I’ll mix the lemonade with unsweetened iced tea and will also get the burger without their thousand island “spread” on it (I’ll get it with ketchup and mustard only.)

Edit: Dinner will be a simple green salad with vinaigrette! There’s no way I could eat anything more than that!


Good to burn off the calories :laughing:


That was definitely part of the equation!

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That looks like a well-deserved treat. I’ve never had an In-n-Out burger. I don’t think we have them in New England. It must not be too hot right now in Vegas - an 8 mile trek. wow. Did you know that a drink of iced tea mixed with lemonade is called an “Arnold Palmer”? That’s what we order in the summer when we go to our local clam shack. I dislike sweetened iced tea, and lemonade is too sweet and tart for me so DH & I compromise and share an “Arnold Palmer.”


Thats like a snack.

Something to hold me over until a proper meal. :wink:


It was a treat, indeed! First In-n-Out burger since I left California and moved to Portland, Oregon in 2007. I know that better burgers exist, but In-n-Out is VERY reasonably priced (this cost a total of $8.45) and everything is fresh. The buns are unique, nothing is frozen (except for the ice cream in their shakes) and the fries ate made from potatoes which are peeled and cut in store and then put directly into the oil.

HOWEVER, there are MANY people who dislike their fries and some people (like my sister) will avoid In-n-Out because they dislike the fries and must have fries with a burger. People are used to fries which are blanched in oil and then frozen before being fried again when ordered. I don’t want to start a debate on how fries should be made (there’s no doubt multiple threads on HO about that!) but these fries (whether well-done or not) actually taste like potatoes!

As for the mix of lemonade and iced tea being an Arnold Palmer, I did know that and have sometimes ordered the drink they way.

Lastly, there are no In-n-Outs in New England and though they have been expanding, I believe the locations furthest east are currently planned for Tennessee (Texas is now the furthest east they go). ALL In-n-Outs are family owned…there are no franchises. I love them, but not everyone does. I hope you can try one someday!

And it was in the 70s today and not too hot to walk 8 miles. It will be soon enough, though!

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When I weighed 302 lbs back in 2009, I would have agreed! Now I’m 169 and this was the limit of what I could eat! I took off the weight by walking and eating only 2 meals a day…which is how I keep it off (I usually only eat breakfast and dinner…today I had a salad for dinner, though.)


That’s a remarkable weight loss. Gives you a lot of motivation to keep moving and be mindful of what you eat. I’m in awe…


Wow, you lost have of yourself.

Well done.

Takes mucho discipline.


Thank you! I lost the initial 89 lbs in 11 months and have been in “maintenance” ever since. Keeping it off is a struggle, especially because I love to eat, but it has to stay off!


Thank you. The students I taught in Japan would say I lost the weight of an elementary school student!

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That’s what most people don’t realize.

Losing the weight is easy.

Keeping it off is the real ordeal.

Congrats again.