Lunch 2022

Lunch/brunch – whatever ya wanna call it. Stone oven rolls, “landrahm” (a creamy dairy concoction from a local chain), shrimp salad, and two loverly young cheeses from the weekly market in our hood. A brebis type young goat, and a Duc du Bourgogne. SBEs and milk not pictured.


Another nice, flawless little meal!

The prawns with cream thing I make it myself. This way I can add as much roe as I please :triumph:

This one cheesemonger at my local market writes names of the cheeses for me 'cuz if sliced from a wheel I can’t remember their names by the time I get home.

(Watching “Kochen mit Martina & Moritz” as I type this.)


This is a nice photo. May I suggest something? If you want to lighten the shadow on the right side then use a big sheet of aluminium as a reflector, wrap it around an unused photo frame or something as simple as a piece of cardboard (size A4 for example). Use a metal clam as a stand and put it next to your food, that’s it. Try it next time and see the difference.

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It’s usually on the receipt, but we’ve managed to throw those out each time we got some lovely cheese :roll_eyes:

And I briefly debated adding more trout roe - not like I don’t still have some in the fridge…


Parsi Kheema per Eeda (Parsi Spiced Minced Lamb with Runny Eggs), a recipe from Maunika Gowardhan -

We had it with some flour tortillas that needed to be used up.


Thank you!

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You are making me want to visit Berlin again!

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Farmers’Market bounty…a huge bag of very fresh spinach was the basis for the tart. Of course , it cooked down to “nothing” but was delicious mixed with ricotta, an egg and some Parmesan cheese. The arugula on the side of the plate came from our terrace pots.


Do it!

Später (i.e., later).

Danke, ich spreche fließend Deutsch :wink:

The translation was not meant for you. It was meant for everyone else!

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Kwaytiew mu and laab ped were for lunch. Followed by mango/passionfruit, caramelized walnut, and cinnamon ice cream :slight_smile:


Soup and a salad … cauliflower soup with a pesto of hazelnuts, sesame seeds, chervil, tarragon, parsley, parm and evoo. Delicious salad greens dressed with vinaigrette and a wee bit of cheese on the side.


Asparagus Strammer Max

Riesling from a supermarket I have been drinking for years. It’s fine and readily available.

From a Polish supermarket.

Cooked half in water after boiling beetroots

All 3 sausages sliced and fried with onions.


I do the same.

Wow. That’s quite a meal!

On different days.

I can eat fruits or cheese enough for 4 people but not a big meal. When it’s a substantial one I forgo dinner and drink more beer or wine instead.


Frittata di pane…cheesy, bubbling goodness. This recipe might have originated in cucina povera as it’s a very good use of stale bread. I also added zucchini and scallion that had been browned and a little extra cheese. The veggies are added to the center of the frittata and after being cooked stove top for a minute or two, put in a 350* oven for about 20 minutes. The inspiration came from Memorie di Angelina. @damiano




That looks SO good :star_struck: