Lunch 2021

I have made these, badly, just trying out stuff on my own. I was too lazy or clumsy to get the right size of cut; the thin and even cutting is obviously a big part of what makes it work.

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I use a french fry cutting tool. My knife skills aren’t exactly refined. The consistent square cuts do make a difference when you fry/bake/.

This gadget. We use it for all sorts of things. Very sturdy.

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I made a pepperoni pizza for lunch. I hadn’t made pizza in awhile which is a little odd since I have a lot more time at home now to preheat the oven and set the dough out.


Nice char!

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Garlic toast, leftover carne asada, fried egg


No broccoli again? :sweat_smile:

I love all high-antioxidant vegs like dark green ones and those that have intense colours, too. That’s because I’m not genetically predisposed to the taste receptor TAS2R38 and have a very high tolerance for bitter foods.

Sometimes I just eat steam a big plate of broccoli or kale, or Brussels and that’s dinner or lunch.


I have to cut back. My HDL level is getting too low. :smile: :laughing:

That’s OK, keep eating too much broccoli and we’ll invent a drug to take with it to raise your levels.

Actually, we already have. It’s called Cheese Sauce.

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Yesterday’s lunch - cheese pizza with mozzarella and Gorgonzola.


Oozy Grilled Cheese w/Turkey, White American & Robusto Cheeses, Campari Tomatoes on Milk Bread


I love kippers/smoked herring. Just hope some big-mouthed “celeb” chef isn’t about to announce kippers are cheap and nutritious and everyone should eat them. Every time they say something stupid like that the price goes up.

Pureed cauli-potato soup. Quite thick.

Finally, it stopped raining on Friday! It really did rain night and day for a whole week or longer. We went to the woods hoping the masses didn’t have the same idea. It was not too bad, actually. Only saw about 6 people in the whole place.

Puddle reflection

Tiny teeny pixie cup lichen. The camera I had with me was no good for (super) macro photos.

They thrive on this old tree stump

Waiting for spring

One of my favourite paths in these woods

(To be continued in next post)


Correct amount of cheese.

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My ugly buns taste fine. Custard buns are all on one plate. Already made a batch 2 days prior so this time I wanted to make a savoury filling for a new batch.

Second time making semolina cakes with whole citrus fruits. This batch has only blood oranges. The honey syrup also contains juice and peel of blood oranges.

Black tea with vanilla and all kinds of stuff in it. A lovely tea & spice shop in Nürnberg, Germany.

Photos from the woods continued:

Tiny cones on tiny moss

Overhead shot of above photo

So much rain recently that only the plants and wild fungi benefit from it. I love this photo. Got lucky this time. I was on my knees, couldn’t see much on the fixed LCD, just clicked and hoped for the best. Turned out good, even if my trousers were all dirty.

New tinder fungus on a dead branch that sticks out from the ground. Tinder will attack and grow on many dead trees or a piece of old wood.


Turkish pepper paste, slightly spicy. There’s also a hot version.

Steamed pork mince mixed with fresh roe and beaten eggs


The roe and what I did with it

Lasted a bunch of meals

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Last of the photos from the woods

Delightful decay


Another path

Sun star

It was dry the day we went to the woods. And the next evening: stormy with snow.

And today:

Gave birds more food and topped up peanut butter dishes. But snow kept making the food disappear. I had a nice day watching the garden birds. Just give them some food, water and making sure it’s a safe environment and enjoy a wildlife show.


Sweet shots. Delicious lunches.

My stepdad loved kippered herrings. They came in a jar with what looked like sour cream or crème fraiche. It kinda’ grossed me out, but now that I’m older and my tastebuds have developed I wanna’ try it. :slightly_smiling_face:

In my experience, the herring bits that come in jars with some kind of cream or sauce are cured, and almost always ma(a)tjes. Most commonly found in Nordic countries.

In Germany the matjes (German spelling has 1 a, Dutch spelling has double vowel “aa”) are eaten both plain (with raw onion rings) and with cream and potatoes or beetroots but I don’t remember seeing them in jars drenched in some creamy sauce like in Norway.

No imagination and creativiy in Netherlands where they only eat maatjes with chopped onions, or in a white and tasteless bun also with raw onions.


Nice pictures @Presunto, especially the bird in flight. It’s starting to look like spring here. The birds are always around, but they change some with our seasons.

@TheCookie, I remember eating the pickled herring in jars with (and without) sour cream growing up. I did not think they were gross, but I have not sought them out either.


They looked like this.

He called them kippered herrings. I actually don’t know if they were gross because I refused to try them, lol. :relaxed:

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Also chopped pickles, in my experience.

I don’t like this style. Would call it “gross”, too. As mentioned, the herring used in this application is matjes kind. So much cream as if to mask the herring taste. What’s the point then?

In Poland I did eat herring buried under a huge mount of cream. Just wanted to try and decided I didn’t like this style. Poles like the matjes extremely salty and make them disappear in the cream.

There are at least 5 variations in Germany that I know of, but my favourite is still with cream, called “housewife’s style matjes”. Germans are creative with herrings (and smoked fish in general).

I eat matjes every week and have posted countless photos. Here are some for you:

With green beans and Speck (a type of smoked belly pork)

Rollmops with beetroot and cream

Rhubarb and cream

I like it simple like this

Another north German classic. “Kutter” is a type of fishing boat. "Kutterbrot " is, I think, how some fishermen like to eat matjes whilst at sea.

Matjes with cream

I like it with cream and beetroot

Swedish-style served on summer solstice, with boiled potatoes.

Not very common but it exists. Depends on the sellers. Whole big pickles costs extra, like 1 euro a piece. Sliced pickles are sometimes “free” but actually is included in the price. As pickles cost extra most people just take the “free” onions.

Herring pickles

One of Netherlands’ global laughing-stocks: eating herring like a seal