Looking for Blue Cheese Suggestions

@ Wtg2Retire

You are welcome!

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From above, we have tried Point Reyes, St Agur, Cambozola, Maytag, and the whole family’s favorite is Rogue River Blue. My personal fave of their line is the smokey blue, which is smoked over hazelnut shells. Trader Joes sometimes carries wedges of their original for $20/lb which is amazing considering most stores carry that brand for $30-35/lb. The past few years, around winter holidays, Whole Foods has carried a special made for them Rogue River Blue called Enraptured. The cheese is finished in a soak of white or red wine and sold by the wheel. Also delicious, but not readily available at other times of the year.


I bought the Smokey Blue and the Rogue River Blue when we drove through Oregon in November. I also bought Enraptured at Whole Foods because of the recommendation here on HO. All were so good! I look forward to eating more of their cheeses.



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Might’ve been my suggestions. I’ve been singing their praises for awhile! Glad you enjoyed.

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Really enjoyed this Guffanti 300 day aged gorgonzola. Thought it might be dry but it was super creamy, and softened up nicely after about 20 min.

What we didn’t eat with the crackers, we ate with the steak. Crackers are overrated really. If there’s a better pairing for blue cheese than rare beef lemme know!


I love pretty much all of them. For cooking, dressings, etc. I like Maytag. Rogue and Pt. Reyes are superb. Roquefort is transcendent. So is Stilton. I remember fondly the days my parents made a mixed salad to follow the main course, tossed it in olive oil and a smidge of red wine vinegar, and tossed in liberal amounts of Roquefort, crumbled into pretty large chunks. Of course fifty-five years ago the world was quite different.


As cliché as it may seem, a good Cobb Salad is one of my favs for blue cheese.


The Gorgonzola Piccante DOP from Guffanti is a great one.
All the cheeses I have tried from them have been great.

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Nice, this was a slice of the 300 day aged Picante Gorgonzola. Which other Guffanti cheeses do you like? I see they have a dolce gorgonzola too.

Both the Fontina DOP and the Fontina Alpeggio Oltre, Robiola, Taleggio/Quartirolo Lombardo, Toma del Ticcio alpe Vallezoo. to name a few.
Not sure how much of their distribution is available in the States since much of it is raw milk.
They are great mongers as well as producers.

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Sticking to the topic, all of your recs are excellent.

They also have a number of other Blues. I have tasted the Bleu de Moncenis which was interesting it had Cherry and Almond notes on the tongue, creamy with a spicy finish. I really liked it a good friend did not ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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thanks for the tips @BierMonk !

By the way, anyone seen olunia recently? Haven’t seen her posting in over a month.


Tomorrow is the last day to preorder.

I finally went to our local Grocery Outlet, and among other things, I bought this Blue Stilton.

I’m not too embarrassed to admit I’m wondering if its supposed to taste and smell like this. I suppose it would help if I could describe it beyond “stinky”, a bit salty and sour, not crumbly, and perhaps slightly bitter, but I don’t know what else to look for.
I ate it with candied pecans

and figs,

which helped, but still not a huge fan.

I think I prefer the “wimpy kind”.