Lidl vs Aldi -- Compare and Contrast

In the last few years, Lidl has opened stores near me. Now there are a couple Aldis, too. I am used to the strengths and weaknesses of Lidl. How about Aldi?

we have both . . .
having lived in Germany for a number of years, time to time I’m looking for “real” . . .

Aldi has morphed into a super-cut-rate market. not much imported / specialties.

Lidl still has the imported “real stuff” - so if I’m looking for ‘the real thing’ - that’s where I go.

otherwise, Aldi is ‘left at the light’ close, Lidl is a 20 minute trip…

regrets, Aldi does have more than a few problems in keeping up with the trade.
so I go, I snap up what bargins are available, then I go to Giant to finish my shopping.

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Another hun chiming in. I grew up with both, but almost always shopped at Aldi — mostly out of convenience.

I don’t know what the Lidls are like in the US, so I have no comparison to the German Lidls.

When I first went to an Aldi in the US I was mega disappointed, expecting basically the same stuff I’m used to.

That said, I am very happy that we now have two Aldis in town bc there are a lot of items I’ve grown very fond of. No Lidl here, so far.

Up here in Scotland (Central Belt) , they feel virtually identical in terms of the off brands they offer and the foods they’ll important for speciality weeks. At the same time there are differences in my experience: Aldi offer has a more bonkers/abundant middle aisle than the Lidl, and Lidl seems to have better to more or better showcased produce. But that could also do with neighbourhoods and size of shops.

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There are Aldi product review threads you might find useful:


An interesting development I posted about in another HO comment thread.

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My ‘local’ Lidl is an 'inconvenience store–far off & w/unimpressive imported pasts selection. But my ‘local’ Aldi, though just as distant, is just one flight up from my Costco, and has good Priano imported pasta while Costco relies on imported Garofalo (perfectly good) and Barilla, which despite it’s “Italy’s favorite brand” tag is domestic.

The Priano pasta is very good. Bronze-cut. Wish they’d stock their Pane Turano again, as the Italian loaf isn’t nearly as good.