Aldi Products Yea/Meh/Nay 2025-2026

Let’s get this thread started for the new year!

This thread is product-specific and not intended for broader Aldi discussion/critiques.

Coincidentally, I bought the Canadian-made “shepherd’s” pie again today and agree it is quite good for a frozen prepared product.

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I’m not a huge fan of Aldi cheeses generally. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Simply Nature Thai Chili Sweet Potato Chips: NAY. Too sweet. This is “Thai chili” as it would taste if described by a provincial American kid to a half-broken robot chef that was kicked out of Wendy’s for being too bland and predictable. Should’ve gone with the regular sweet-potato chips but they were ~$4.49 and these were ~$2.99. Now I know why.


Nay to the new dried lima beans. Bitter.

But… what did you really think of them? :grin:

That’s weird

Yay to the pizza sauce and dough in bag. I like rollin dough, so this one called me. $1.20 for each. Top with hot Italian sausage, onions, pepper shrooms, Greek olives, and Cashton Muenster. Make 2 14 inchers. Just gotta roll some dough

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Nay to my local store’s presumed handling of the fresh shrimp. I got a pack on its sell-by date by accident, which was spoiled. Returned it for a pack that had another 4 days, also spoiled.

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