Let's talk lobster [NJ]

My pal @Ejebud has a Facebook live tomorrow night that some of you may be interested in:

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What do you think? I might have to try one

Fyi, lobsters are on sale for 6.99 again starting today at shoprite.


I had a lobster salad sandwich at off the hook in the highlands yesterday. The menu stated that it would be on a roll but I was still surprised. Bit too salty. I’m a lobster roll purist so I won’t order it again. But a super hearty portion. I didn’t look at the tab so no idea how much it cost. For 3 adults, a kids meal and 4 beers it was about $80 (pre tip).

I sure hope one of the adults had 2 beers


Pret had lobster rolls (well, on a round brioche roll) last summer - the were quite good, and surprisingly affordable at $10.

No, the kiddo had all 4 beers and then drove us home. She is a little short but I do the pedals while she steers!



I made a lobster roll because I had LEFTOVER LOBSTER. :scream::scream::scream:


That looks yummy. How was your trip?

I’ve never heard of left over lobster? :smile:


Awesome. People are way nicer in Canada! :rofl:

Lots of good hiking and fun times!

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SERIOUSLY! It has never happened before!


We’re nice…well most of us…at least some of us…Wait, I guess there was that time when…never mind


Glad to here that. Your pictures were beautiful.

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Just curious, was that meat from a single lobster and if so, any clue on the weight? I’ll normally put the meat from a 1.25 to a 1.5 into a roll for a nice meaty sandwich. Looks delicious!

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I bought 3 lobsters for my husband and I to split. We each had one and split the third. I think they were 1.25ish per lobster. This roll was a claw, a full tail and half a tail. I eat all parts of the lobster. Little legs at all. My husband never wants to bother with that so I get them all which reminds me of a story!

The first time I met my future in laws, they had lobsters for dinner which blew my mind. It was middle of the week! No special occasion! I thought ‘these people must be really rich’. Lobsters were a big deal for us and we usually had them once a year, around this time of year in Cape Cod. We ate everything, not just the claws and tail. So, we are at the table and eating lobsters with his parents while trying to impress them and I realize at a point they are all staring at me. Everyone else was 100% done with their lobsters because they ate the tail and claws ONLY! WHAT!? They told me they have never seen anyone eat a lobster like I do and they still tease me about it!

Sorry, longer story than you likely wanted.


I actually like the body meat even though it is a bit more work. Tails can be chewy sometimes. I worked in a restaurant that served just the tail and claws. The help ate the rest which was a nice treat. With blue crabs getting more expensive and lobsters no longer a luxury item, it used to be just the opposite.


We are going to have to send your husband to lobster 101 class! Knuckles are the best part::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I live in Houston and even I know that.

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