Let's introduce ourselves and get to know one another better

I am incredibly grateful to be one of those people who can pick up new languages with little trouble, and can parrot an accent well…extra bonus for someone who just wants to be able to get a hotel and a meal and exhange some pleasantries without sounding like a fool.


I got in trouble once in Athens at the tender age of 16 (I don’t look Greek by any means).

After having practiced to impeccably order fresh-squeezed orange juice (vs the ubiquitous portakalada, which is most often icky sweet orange soda or juice “product”) at a cafe while waiting for my native speaker buddy who’d taught me, the waiter replied with a barrage of questions in Greek, to which I had to surrender pretty much immediately, and continue in English :rofl:


Oh, been there, done that. And it never ends well lol.

When I’m in Europe I am usually assumed to be German (as 50% of my bloodline would assert) and its not uncommon for someone to come up to me and start speaking in German. Usually theyre asking for directions, but it always catches me off balance.

My PIC was randomly assumed to be Turkish on the subway (he’s half German half Armenian), and spoken to in Turkish, which makes sense in a lot of areas in Berlin.

I did find it somewhat obnoxious when a German cashier commented on his assumed country of origin when we bought a mango at a supermarket: “Oh, a fruit from your home country?” He was much darker since it was summer, but… yikes.

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Ouch. Thats just cringey.

Welcome to the club! I’m from a small island nation you may have not even heard - Sri Lanka. I too love classical music and jazz.
Let that negative feedback disappear into oblivion. You have a nice clan here.


It’s called “vade” pronounced wa as in “what” de as in “day”.
The one in the picture is called “isso vade” isso meaning shrimps. :slight_smile:
It’s actually a South Indian food popular in Sri Lanka. There are many varieties of it too, and now “endemic” here. Lol.
Which year did you visit Sri Lanka? Now the Galle Face Green has changed a lot. There’s high end shopping centre named One Galle Face, and a Shangri-la Hotel too.

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Thanks for the welcome. I most certainly have heard of Sri Lanka. My parents are from Goa, but I was born in Uganda, and now living in Canada.


I don’t think I ever posted an intro, so here’s mine:

A Chicago-born GenXer who moved to the SF Bay Area in the 90’s. I’ve lived in the Midwest and up and down the west coast (SF, LA, Portland, Vancouver BC) and spent a notable year plus in NZ and a month or so in Sydney. But I am not otherwise particularly well traveled. Trying to fix that.

I do computer graphics for tv and movies. I have an IMDb page and you have absolutely seen at least one film I’ve worked on in the last 30 years.

Taught myself how to make decent (bordering on very good)) deep dish Chicago pizza and I’m getting better at the thin crusts, too. :slight_smile:

My user name is from the film Buckaroo Banzaii. The avatar is Max Headroom, but I’m considering changing it to go along w the user name.


How do I post a photo? I only know how to reply at this point. Is there a help section?


When you reply, there is an icon to upload a file (9th icon from the left–the “up arrow”). Then you can just select the photo you want to post.

Or you can just drag the image into the Reply box.

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On a desktop or laptop, you can use either of these symbols at the top of the post/reply:


On a phone, they’re in the lower right hand corner. (At least they are on an Android.)


Welcome to the clan @Lectroid .
There are many movie lovers here including myself. We’ll have a lot to talk about.
I created my avatar by drawing it with finger on my phone screen. Lol. I think on notepad or Picsart(offline version) Took me less than a minute I guess.

Hello! I’ve been on a couple cooking forums in the past decided to give this a try. I’m in the Kansas City metro, love to talk about bread, and I forgot the other prompts. Happy new year!


Welcome Cacheton, and happy new year to you too. Hope to see you around posting in the other boards too.


Welcome! We were just in KC and loved it. The trip was more barbecue than bread-oriented, but the bread at Garozzo’s was very good, as was everything else

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@Cacheton welcome to the clan. Happy New Year to you too.

Welcome to HO, @Cacheton! Enjoy exploring the boards.

Welcome & Happy New Year! :partying_face:

KC ex-pat here, in Southern Oregon.
@MrGuyGuyGuy is the only other KCer.
Maybe critical mass will be achieved!
Nice to have you here :cowboy_hat_face:

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