Let's introduce ourselves and get to know one another better

Welcome!! Hope you enjoy yourself here in Hungry Onion. I live in France. Looks like Costa Rica is a favorite designation of French. I have a friend planning to move there soon. Another friend’s mom owned a guesthouse there. (Unfortunately she had a very bad incident there.)

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Thank you!! Just starting to figure out how to get around on the Onion site!!


Where are you in France?

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Gracias Marko…
I was in Oregon for six years before I moved back here so I can empathize with your “just getting started”.

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I guess the question is addressed to me. In the Parisian region. I don’t live in Paris, just in the outskirts. We go to Paris very often.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: What’s for Dinner #47 - the Halfway Through The Year Edition - July 2019

I’m all alone here in the Rogue Valley these days, at least as far as HO goes. Feel free to comment on any PNW posts because the participation is thin at this point. :slight_smile:

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I spent six years in Oregon–four in Scotts Mills (near Silverton) looking for some kind of work that would fit my lifetime of professional cooking experience–and the last two in The Dalles (god forsaken place, it runs on alcohol, petroleum, and meth) working as a Corporate Exec Chef and Food Service Manager for Google. I found that if I really wanted to work at something I wasn’t overqualified for I had to go farther and farther from home.
I have a good friend in Grants Pass who is one of the biggest foodies I know. He grew up in the heart of the Napa Valley and split when he felt the corporate world pushing in. I’ll be seeing him for two days in September and I’m hoping the catch the tail end of summer’s bounty.


Welcome! You should invite your pal to join you here!

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  1. Boise, Id
  2. Technique, learning new skills, creating a dinner where everything tastes great.
  3. Learning to make fish and chips, and having it turn out beautifully.
  4. Got more serious about cooking after walking away from a bad motorcycle crash. Forced to rethink life, I began cooking more and more and haven’t looked back. My wife calls me Chef Boyardee because I used to not eat very well, and have now become somewhat of a snob :slight_smile:

Welcome chef! Nice to have you join us! I used to live on Chef Boyardee when I was in my teens. Straight out of the can at room temp! I will never forget I was laying on my couch eating a can of it when I noticed the label said: “family size”, I then went on to read it was supposed to serve 4! (I think that was how many) I was shocked!!! Lol

Anyway welcome again if you have any questions let us know!


Thank you NotJrvedivici! Yes, eating it straight out of the can does bring back memories :slight_smile:


Don’t forget those pizza in a box kits . My mom let me cook one at 8 yrs old . Even bought the pizza pan they were selling. Never looked back . Thank you chef boyardee.


haha! yes, the pizza box kits were the best! this is how I got the nickname. when I tried to tell my wife that it was pretty good… next to her handed down from generation to generation pizza recipe from Argentina!


GAH!!! My first boyfriend used to make those when he got home from work around 3:30. It was about the only thing he cooked. And then he’d have the dinner I made. I hated him. :wink: j/k


Welcome to HO!!! Hope you enjoy it here!


Thank you! Looks like a good group!

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Mom used to make the pizzas when we were little, but she topped them with mozzarella and used olive oil, so they were decent enough. When we were older, and a great pizzeria opened in town, that was the end of it. Nowadays, I think you can get pizza dough at lots of stores, including Trader Joe’s.



Are you in Boise currently?
I can’t remember the questions you’re answering.

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Yup, live just west of the North End. How bout you?

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