Let's Discuss Edible Cannabis........................

Not to brag, but I have been described as a psycoactive ham :grin:


This is so funny. I feel like it must be born of experience.


:rofl: Perfect.

This is an amazing story :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Anyone else tried Delta -9?

I plead the fifth! :sunglasses::crazy_face:


Not saying I did, but if I had ever made cannabutter from stuff that I grew, and ate it, I might never grow it, or make cannabutter again. :grimacing:


Depends. Ingesting cannabis has absolutely zero effect on me, unfortunately.

Now that NJ is legal for D8, I havenā€™t have you? I read itā€™s potent.

I finally ended up with The COVID about a month ago, and have had terrible insomnia since. My wife (a hippie from CO) has basically kept me alive the whole time, and one day she came home with some THC tincture from the ZenLeaf dispensary in Lawrence. First time I ever had any MJ at all, and I ended up watching an old baseball game twice in a row, then the Wizard of Oz, then Darby Oā€™Gill and the Little People, then The Conjuring II. We have since adjusted the dose, but she still writes down all of the asinine things that I say and wants me to write a book about it.


That is hilarious. Please share some choice comments/observations :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Speaking of insomnia, I got one of these devices. Gonna try it tonight.

I think I meant to write Delta-8. Iā€™ve tried it a few times and enjoy it (itā€™s 100% legal here in NC). As for the other, I have tried some chocolate edibles someone purchased in FL. The effect on me was pretty similar. I donā€™t know if it was technically D-9 or just medicinal cannabis.

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Not sure if this is the place, but Iā€™d love to hear your thoughts about it!


Sure! Give me a few weeks. All I noticed tonight were faint flashes in the far corners of my eyes.

For me, it just takes so damn long to kick in that I keep ingesting because I THINK itā€™s having zero effect. And thatā€™s why - until I learned my lesson - I sometimes woke up at 4am tripping balls, the end.


Most is stuff that I said and she texted me, and the rest is me just blowing her phone up at 3am. MAJOR thanks for the insomnia device info! We had a really traumatic night Sunday night, and Iā€™ve not been able to sleep since then. A car crashed into our front yard around 2:45am, burst into flames, and I had to pull a guy out of it, then the fire got so bad that we had to snag the dogs and evacuate. So Iā€™m immediately purchasing that, because Iā€™m tired of keeping my wife awake, and also because she made me watch Magic Mike XXL at midnightā€¦I mean, she let me watch Magic Mike XXL at midnight.


Oh no! Maybe donā€™t hesitate to look beyond a device! .Yikes.


Jesus, thatā€™s scary! Iā€™ll 100% be getting a device, the wife and I have a dispensary date, and Iā€™ll be seeing the head shrinker that the cops are getting for me.


Apologies. I edited it because I didnā€™t want to detract from your situation. In addition to the air evacuations from the field behind our house, etc, , on one occasion husband pulled someone from a burning truck. It was years ago, but all of those things still have an effect ( on me, but maybe not anyone else :thinking:). That device sounds great, but I donā€™t know if it replaces other options.

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No apologies needed at all. Thatā€™s some heavy and hard stuff youā€™ve been dealing with. It took me a long time to realize how long lasting trauma can be. Iā€™ll be talking to the psychiatrist and doing whatever they recommend. My wife is pretty insistent that I go see someone as soon as I can, plus try a different strain from the dispensary.