Let's Discuss Edible Cannabis........................

6.) Anything and everything related to it would be appreciated.

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Will they judge by the deliciousness or the degree of wrecked?


As if these things are not related. Took a vacation with a group of friends to Nevis many years ago, and the markets (along with the restaurants) were not all that. We started calling pot “the clever cook’s secret,” since it made the food we prepared taste so much better.


My mom’s family is from Nevis!

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How about that! My friend’s family had a place very close to the Golden Rock Inn, and I visited there 5 or 6 times. She got married at Montpelier. Such a beautiful island, but the hurricane in (I think) 2008 did so much damage - economic and otherwise. It changed after that.

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Good question

The quote I liked best - “It was only a matter of time.”

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We sometimes misspell words like cannabis but we get other words right like color, humor, neighbor, and theater. And our cars aren’t built broken with the steering wheel on the passenger side. :muscle:


As a writer, I’m loving the possibilities like

Get on the Cannabus!

We could even sell memberships - Cannabus Pass!


I wish the UK would get on the ‘cannabus’ (although we’d call it a ‘canna-coach’ probably). Seriously, though, it would be good for us.



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Oy. I laughed though

I vape. I could not bring myself to throw away the AVB (Already Vaped Bud) so I am experimenting with digesting it. I made butter with it once already and am making a second batch now. A few recipes use lecithin to help emulsify making arguing that it makes it more potent. I don’t see why that should be. I guess it might help emulsify the bud particles in the fat. Water is used in the process I am using so maybe it prevents the THC from getting washed away with the water but THC is not water soluble. I happened to have some lecithin so I went ahead and threw some in to see what happens but I have no way of telling if it makes it more potent than my last batch. Which BTW was very potent. When ever I have know people to cook with cannabis it tends to be chocolate chip cookies or brownies. I wonder if that is because chocolate usually contains lecithin. I am hoping one of you who have more science and/or experience cooking with cannabis might have an educated opinion about using the lecithin.

I had a little AVB left so I mixed it into some melted chocolate. It tastes pretty good but I like smoky bitter things. I only had a tiny amount to start with about 45 minutes ago. I will try a little more if I don’t feel anything in a hour or so. I did start feeling somewhat different about 15 minutes ago but it did not last long. The butter I made before took at least an hour for me to feel the effects but they lasted a long time. Not my favorite way to enjoy because I have to plan to be stoned.

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Welcome @SoulJz

Lots of local boards here and cooking boards too for when we get the munchies! :grin:

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Are you still pondering this idea? Long story short, a friend got some pot cookies from Michigan a few years ago after she lost her appetite while battling cancer. Once she passed away her husband dumped all of her MJ supplies on us which included the cookies. My husband shared them with friends after an evening out (he also partook) (they were staying at our house). The next day after they got home they called seriously wanting to know why we “roofied” them. I thought it hilarious (because I knew eating the cookies would be a bad idea)…they still give us shit about all these years later. That my only eating cannabis story, unless you want to talk about drinking bong water (THAT was an experience).


My best story is from a party I went to in Brooklyn years ago, at which all the guests - except for one - had some pot brownies. Too many, obviously, because the abstainer said that about 90:00 later, the living room looked like the aftermath of a massacre - seemingly lifeless bodies everywhere.

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“Sponsored Story” in sfgate.


She wants ham… :slight_smile:

Canadian cannabis butchers!