"Kid" foods you still like as an adult (sort of guilty pleasure)

I don’t think it is a kid’s food in particular, but a lot of people do. Including my wife.

A lot of us semi-lactose intolerant Asians (or full lactose-intolerant) would agree. :pensive:

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I sort of stop drinking milk everyday now too, but for a totally different reason. I don’t seem to drink my milk fast enough and it goes bad, so I end up tossing it out. Still, I like a glass of cup.

Kraft mac & cheese
Oscar Meyer olive loaf with mayo and iceberg lettuce on white bread
Hostess cupcakes, Snoballs, and Twinkies

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I love olive loaf, but can’t remember the last time I had it. Do they still even make it?!

I still love it, but I haven’t seen it lately here in healthy Oregon.

Same as where I live - in healthy Marin County!
I did spend my early childhood loving Isaly’s chipped ham and ham salad in Pittsburgh - guess those tastes stay with you.


I think Italian delis, even in the “healthy” Bay Area, still carry it. I’ve never had it so I never look out for it. :wink:


That’s probably not a good thing for me to know!

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Bologna. Kraft mac & cheese. Whipped cream shot directly into mouth. Ducking my head in shame now.

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If the bread is just mildly nice bread, and you swap the pickle for a slice of good tomato lightly salted, I am right there with you.

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I forgot about the whipped cream! My husband always has to do that.

In my family, we do tend to get a little carried away with the canned whipped cream, like covering a piece of pumpkin pie with it so that you can’t even tell what’s under there. Once a friend of my father’s brought a date to dinner. We went a little nuts covering a black cherry jello mold with whipped cream. We thought it was hilarious, but I still remember the look of horror/disgust on her face. I think she dumped him right after that.


Yes. Boar’s Head olive loaf is a secret sin for me. I limit myself to 4 slices! On a sesame seed bulky roll with mayo. Eat solo and don’t confess.



From today’s shopping :shopping:



I’ve never had olive loaf. Is it just like bologna but with olives?

Pretty sure they do, but it’s really hard to find. Last place I found it was at the WalMart grocery store near me. Why there? I do NOT know.

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I think Marin County, CA is designated an olive loaf free zone!


Cheese & onion Ringos
Orange Capri Sun ( though not the same now they have a screw cap. Stabbing the pouch with the straw and causing it to spurt all over yourself was half the fun).
HP Sauce sandwiches.

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Just HP Sauce?
Nothing else?