Icebox desserts/cakes, frig or frozen

Again, interesting as I’ve never seen it shaped into a cross. And the others that followed sound tasty too. :yum:

I’m interested to see how much chocolate flavor comes through with just 1 tsp cocoa. Thanks for posting the recipe!

Once the weather starts warming up, icebox cakes are very refreshing😊. So suffer gladly!!

My fav is still the black raspberry jello diluted in one cup hot water, folded in defrosted one pint frozen vanilla yogurt, pint of sliced berries concoction you pour into an old Tupperware bundt mold, freeze and slice. Super tasty!


Please report back when you do! I’m curious as well.

Pudding cake became my sons birthday cake request for a time. Comfort food!

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No cookies?

No cookies.

1 large box blackberry jello
1 cup hot water
1 pint frozen vanilla yogurt, softened
1/2- 1 pint fresh blackberries depending on how textured you like it

In a bowl, dissolve jello in hot water. Add softened frozen yogurt and blend until smooth batter like consistency. Fold in fruit. Pour into preferred mold and freeze until firm.

Pop out of mold, slice and serve.

Great flex on this to change the flavors of the jello and fresh fruit. Strawberry, lemon, orange. The frozen vanilla yogurt however is the best base because it allows the fruit and jello flavor to do their thing. Ice cream is too milky.

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Sounds pretty good to me & think I’ll make it.

People shouldn’t be too afraid of Jello because of Jello Shots, right?

And you could put sprinkles on it! :upside_down_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



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What ever floats your boat!!

Who makes vanilla frozen yogurt these days? Maybe it’s just where I shop, but I don’t see a lot of options in frozen yogurt, despite the refrigerated yogurt selection being vast. Does Haagen Dazs still make it?

Yes they do. As well as Edy’s, Stoneyfield, Sweet Scoops and Julie’s Organic brands. There’s Tofutti in a pinch.


Even Trader J’s might carry it.

This should make for good popsicles!

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The jello keeps the dessert on the softee side, so as a popsicle think pudding pop texture. The dessert softens and melts quicker than a frozen water based popsicle.

Actually, I live-chatted with H-D yesterday and their fro-yo line is discontinued. But they sent me some coupons, and I can always make my own, so I’ll forgive them :slight_smile:

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Would a container of the soft serve yogurt sold by chains work? Like Menchies or Pinkberry (assuming those are national chains).

Was totally unaware that HD discontinued their yogurt line. But I’m mad at them anyway since they changed their fabulous pistachio ice cream with a total crap version.


Welll, yes. Gelatin is the key to making fruit juice popsicles that are not as hard as ice cubes.

They still must be going through it because I have some in my freezer. But I also have other frozen yogurts on hand. Homemade, the best brand yet!

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I have not used the recipe for popsicles and didn’t want to steer you wrong.