Hot weather dinners - your favourites

I’m in the naeng myeon camp too. I usually keep a few packs of it in the fridge just for the dog days of summer. A quick cook of pre-marinated sliced beef, a sous vide soft boiled egg, and it’s a nice cooling meal.

I love gazpacho in the summer, but it’s hard for me to eat just gazpacho for dinner. If I know a heat wave is coming, I prefer to cook extra on a cooler day so I all I have to do is reheat something for dinner. Salads and gazpacho for lunch though are perfect! A good watermelon and feta, a tart tomato salad, and even 3 bean salad are must haves for summer.


ice cubes work great too. never did a soft boiled egg, why not sounds good.

A little Tajin for melon for me, some lime, or just by itself.

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I love this idea!

Some Frank’s, or occasionally some puree from pickled jalapeno or chipotle in adobo, but mostly prefer simpler concoctions.

The closest I’ll get to cooking in hot weather is warming a can of soup to tepid. Usually, it’s yogurt with extra fruit and granola mixed in, and big green salads with a bit of cold chicken or tuna. My digestion and appetite slow way down when it’s hot and humid. When I was a mail carrier in miserable summer, I’d pack cheese, crackers, and an apple in my lunch cooler, or just buy a dish of ice cream (so as not to risk a cone dripping on my uniform).

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My Dad’s favorite, he always had a bowl ready to eat during the summer when the garden was producing cucumbers.


nice. the tequila i mentioned goes just fine on the side too, the combo with a nice gazpacho reminds me of sangrita.

I just had my first bowl of the season. Always a summer highlight.


I’ve fancied it up with tomatoes, oo and fresh basil.


My hands down favorite hot weather fare is couscous salad.

Moroccan (medium grain) couscous requires only the kettle to heat water, then add tomatoes, cucumbers, scallions or red onion (chef’s choice), Kalakaua olives (I pit and roughly chop them, then chopped fresh mint (you can add parsley too).

Dress with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, and chill well. Add shrimp or chicken if you wish.

I crave this when it’s hot as the mint helps make you feel cool…we ate truckloads of it in the French garden during the canicules.


Cobb salad
Pork souvlaki with Greek Village salad

Niçoise salad

Prosciutto with melon

Watermelon and feta salad


Gado Gado

Mexican shrimp cocktail

Curried chicken salad or shrimp salad served in half an avocado.

Potato salad


Sour cream, vinegar and dill cucumber salad

Sorry to hear about the UK’s heat wave.


I do that too, and if I have them, add sliced melon, apple, or seedless grapes

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How could I forget?

Tomato Pie.

I wasn’t familiar with Tomato Pie until around 2015, when someone in a WFD group posted about it. It’s become one of my favourite things to eat during tomato season. The Paula Deen recipe is a simple one, and I like it.

Vivian Howard’s recipe is a little more complicated.

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Ice cream and fresh fruit.

All major macros covered.

  • Protein (from the milk in ice cream)
  • Carbs (from the fruit)
  • Fats (cream in the ice cream)

And micronutrients (vitamins) and fiber from the fruit.

Complete meal, tasty, and perfect for hot summer days and nights.


It’s been 95 here . I’m like a tourist camper . Pick up Cole slaw and potato salad from the market . Maybe some chicken or other protein for the grill . I love this time of year. Glamping with a glass of wine on the deck . No way I’m turning the stove on .


Weather update at 10am

Last night the UK recorded its highest ever night temperature, not falling below 25.9 in parts of West Yorkshire (a county adjacent to mine)


It’s 28 here now & will be hitting 34 by 4pm (we’ll be hitting the lake if we don’t melt on the way over). 38 tomorrow.

I cannot fathom living in a place where those temps are “normal.”


That would be difficult even for those of us who live in the subtropics.

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In Boston here, it is projected to get to around 93F today. We’ve been fortunate to have well working AC though. I agree with those that have advocated for charcuterie and salad plates in this weather.


Are you still in Germany, Natascha?