Hot Dogs!

I don’t think I like the idea of the chili inside the dog. A tube that squirts hot cheese and chili doesn’t sound appetizing.


I looked at the article hoping to see a picture. All there is is an insert on the label. Apparently, from that and the text, it should be labeled as a ‘chili powder cheese dog.’ There’s no ‘chili,’ as in a spoonful, inside, just flavoring. Chicken, turkey and pork?

The idea of chili powder as a flavoring for a wiener is at least intriguing, but other wise, no thanks. If I see one at demo booth I’ll try it but I ain’t buyin’ a whole package until I see a lot more raves published elsewhere.


I bought a package of the chili cheese last night but haven’t tried them, yet.

The variety with just cheese isn’t new, and I’m sure I’ve had that one at some point years ago. I don’t remember cheese squirting out, but I don’t remember anything else about them either. I must not have liked them enough to buy them more than once. I’m assuming they’ve just renamed these.

I figure the chili cheese version will at least be okay.


I seem to remember from childhood hot dogs that had some sort of American cheese inside them that would ooze out the end after taking a bite. Maybe from the late 80’s? This concept isn’t new.


I don’t like them nearly as much as Sporked people seemed to, but Oscar Mayer did a pretty good job with the chili flavor of the chili cheese stuffed dogs. It’s strange getting that flavor when you eat them without any actual chili present, and the chili flavor overpowers the cheese, but I’d still say these are at least a minor success. I’m on the fence as to whether I’d buy them again. By the time I finish the package, I’ll probably have a more certain opinion on them.


but it was awesome as an appetizer for the Bad Taste parties that circulated in the '80s. My Anchorage friend had one and had the chili stuffed hot dogs sliced and laid out on a pretty platter, and after ample ethanol had been consumed, people started blowing the chili out at other people. Good times! Or so she said, I didn’t have to clean up afterward


Mucho thanks. I’ll look forward to your report after consuming several. The Sporked reports - 10 Sporks for both?, no pics - suggested a bought-and-paid for review to me.

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I agree Ziv, and onions and slaw have the crunch that I love. To me, mustard just tastes right because of that snap to it’s flavor. I’ve been using hot Chinese mustard on my dogs of late. LOVE that snap!


Uff. Agreed.

Oooo…now I want a natural casing dog on a good bun with yellow mustard, onion, no beans chili, and slaw. A lot.


Make one for me too!


Had that for dinner a couple of nights ago :joy:

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And me !

Natascha, that is one tasty looking dog!
My first thought was that it kind of looked like a dog I saw in Copenhagen of all things.
My second thought was that the left end of the frankfurter really looks like the first two inches of someones index finger…

“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”

BINGO! You have a keen eye. Last day in CPH today… might have to get another dawg before we go back to Berlin :wink:


I find Hebrew National dogs to be salt bombs. Can’t handle them. Nathan’s, yes, can do.


These are too salty for me to eat without a bun (and I am decidedly not salt sensitive). But they are still my go-to brand :grinning:

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Did someone say hot dog?


And here I’m the exact opposite.

I find Nathan’s that are in the grocery store to be tasteless and mushy. Hebrew National is the reasonable alternative when real Vienna dogs are not available.

My partner is on your side, btw. She prefers Nathan’s, and will opt for a polish sausage if we hit a hot dog stand when visiting Chicago.