Hoping for suggestions to incorporate ...

Himalayan Pink Salt crystals into my cooking. These are large crystals!



The idea is to put them into a salt grinder. If you don’t have one, and don’t want to spend a lot for one, check your supermarket spice aisle for a spice that comes in a grinder (peppercorns, etc), replace the contents with shards of your fancy salt.


Love our OXO salt grinder that I’m certain was under $10. Check the usual suspects:marshalls/TJmaxx, Tuesday Morning, Target.

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Curing fish or meats?

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How do you get the top off? Maybe it is only the ones in Italy, but I can never get the top off.

Here, the grinder is in the lid. You invert the jar to use it. Either you remove the cap to grind the spice over your food, or grind into the cap before removing it, if you need to measure the amount.
<imgsrc=“//hungryonionstatic.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/original/2X/0/0da5912ea25b3549a7823735574688d55b2350ea.jpg” width=“525” height=“700”>

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But what about this salt as a seasoning? Anyone know if it’s more suited to one food type? Or, can it be used anywhere salt is called for in a recipe?

Anyone know if it’s more suited to one food type?

It’s a “thing” lately, probably just a fad. I use very little salt - and I hate the color pink - so don’t ask me why I even bought it. There are specious websites promoting its health/nutritional benefits but hey, NaCl is salt, regardless of where the sodium and the chlorine tied the knot. Whatever other trace minerals it may contain, it tastes like ordinary salt to me. Maybe the next thing will be grinders with shards of moon rock! :grin:

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Yes, it can be used anywhere (if you can afford it). Some people claim to be able to taste a difference between various “natural” or “sea” salts, which has to do with minerality. Others choose them for color and crystal size/shape. But unless you’re putting the salt on a salad or other prep where you wish the crystals to remain partially undissolved, I don’t believe people can really tell much difference.

IMO, the main reason to use these fancy salts is that many are not industrially and chemically processed (no iodine, bleaching, anti-caking agents, etc.).

I have a friend in Hawai’i whose family makes their own salt, which takes on a pink hue from the ponds it is evaporated in. This is culturally significant to Hawai’ians, because eating the land itself ties them to it. So have a little Himalaya and enjoy!


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I just use it like regular salt.

I agree that it tastes like regular salt.

The only salt that I’ve tasted that were different were black salt- which has a sulphur taste and smoked salt, of course.

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Yes, yes, I understand that. I use them all the time. But when they are empty, I cannot get them open to refill them. How do you refill them?

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So glad I took the trouble to include a photo. :unamused: You unscrew the lid. If it’s too tight, pull on it as you twist. It can take some effort but they do come off.

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Huh. I’ve never been able to get those grinder tops off, and I’m pretty strong.

Always thought it was such a waste…

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That’s why, I never bought those grinder with salt…

I bought my blocks, it came with a grinder like this.


Very fine powder. Actually I use that more to grind nutmeg nowadays.

My salt book said it has a delicate taste and it’s suitable for vegetables and margarita.
It seems the salt is often associated with fish and truffle.

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I was thinking more of the lemon pepper grinder I get from TJ’s – I actually really like that mix.

As for salt & pepper, I always grind my own.

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I have a look at the ingredients, must be really nice for chicken or fish. (what is citric acid doing there though?)

One of my favourite salt is the Hawaiian Alae salt, I sometimes use that with salad, the colour is beautiful. The salt I cannot live without is Fleur de sel from île-de Ré (than Guérande or Camargue). I also like a lot smoked salt (Salish from Washington for example), especially good with meat.

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That IS a nutmeg grater. I don’t think I’d care for salt that powdery. The spice grater jars
I have are different brands but all seem to be the same medium grind. I’ve had several, always have been able to get them open. I put a blend of allspice berries and peppercorns in one of them.

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Strangely, when I bought my pink salts, it was that nutmeg grind they included…(marketing plot?!) the texture is so powdery that I seldom use it. I will try to use a bigger grind from now on.

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I’ll bet they figured that in order to sell the chunks, they needed to include some sort of grinder, since potential customers who don’t already have one might well not buy the salt if it means having to shop around for a grinder. Nutmeg graters were probably the cheapest because these days, microphone graters, which are multi-taskers, have taken their place in many kitchens. My nutmeg grater is about 40 yrs old - they haven’t changed - but back then, if microplaners existed, they were a carpentry tool which people hadn’t yet thought to use for cheese, zesting, etc.

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