Homemade Ice Cream and Ice Pops

I made mine a month ago but forgot to post - so not really end of season peaches issue…

Anyone have a good recipe for pumpkin ice cream? I found a likely candidate from Williams Sonoma, but am open to suggestions.


I haven’t made his pumpkin ice cream, but I’ve had great success with David Lebovitz’s recipes.

Thanks for that! I was doing a search last night, and looking for any results from DL, none of which popped up. Much obliged.

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I used one from Max Falkowitz on Serious Eats.

I think my main modification after the fact is I would cut down the cloves.

He has two other pumpkin ice cream recipes, too.

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Great - thank you! Good to know about the cloves reduction.

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Not homemade, but I had some really excellent mochi ice cream in NYC this weekend; one of the selections was glazed in a sweet miso confection that kind of blew my mind.


I’m using David Lebovitz’s recipe to make lemon verbena ice cream tonight. I made a different recipe a few years ago and found it pleasant, but a little lacking in verbena punch, so I’m hoping this one will be different.

My custard has been in the fridge for 18 hours and it tastes gratifyingly verbena-y! I increased the amount of herb in the recipe by 50% (15 grams instead of 10) and am also letting the base rest for two full days. Churning tomorrow evening.



here’s more text.

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lemon verbena berry coulis

Lemon verbena ice cream via a David Lebovitz recipe. Here with a fresh berry coulis I made when berries were in.

I hardly ever make custard ice creams, so this was a nice change for me! I made one change to his recipe; he calls for 10g of fresh lemon verbena leaves, but I used 15g.

This ice cream has a lovely texture and a strong lemon verbena flavor, which was my main goal. I will say it’s just on the cusp of being too sweet for me, so next time I’ll reduce the sugar a bit. (And there’s about to be a next time, imminently, because I want to use more of my garden verbena before frost comes and kills it.) I’m considering making a rhubarb compote from my rhubarb plant to serve with it, with the idea being it can stand to have a tarter element. The problem is my homegrown rhubarb is green, not red, so cooking it reduces it to a rather unappealing color.

Anyway. Overall, a success.


This sounds so lovely … I tried to send this to a friend not on HO, text transferred but not image. Is it impossible to cut and paste images here?

Too bad, I’m keen on the photos!

If you have Microsoft Word, you can do this.
(1) Open a blank Microsoft Word document
(2) Minimize Microsoft Word
(3) Get the image centered on your screen
(4) Press and hold down the “ALT” button & tap the “Print Screen” button
(5) Release both buttons
(6) Maximize the word document you previously minimized
(7) Click “Edit” on the tool bar, then click “Paste”
The image is now in a word document. You can now edit it, save it, attach it to an e-mail or whatever you would like to do.

Thanks, I’ll give it a try.

I have a decent amount of egg whites, so I made spoom. I used frozen berries for the purée. I would not use mango, as it would be too sweet for me as pretty much anything mango-flavored is, and especially mango + meringue! I added 1/2 tsp salt to the egg whites.

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I just tried it … it worked. I love learning something new. Is there a way to do this on my I Pad?

So images are now in Word doc on my PC but I don’t know a way to send this image to my friend so, for now, I’ll keep it in my computer and show her when she stops by.

Does your friend have an email address?? You can attach the .doc file to an email.

Sorry, can’t help you with that one… I’m an old Microsoft (PC) guy, I don’t know the first thing about Apple.

Making another batch of lemon verbena ice cream tonight, since I still have lots of LV in the garden and there will be the first frost of the year any night now.


I’ve really improved my technique since this photo and upgrading to Onyx SS molds is a big reason why.

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Visited my favorite NYC creamery, Malai, and really enjoyed this cone of pistachio-saffron. Definitely a flavor combo I’d love to tinker with at home.