Green tomatoes advice needed

Diced ham not puree. :blush:

I forgot that - somewhere - I have a copy of Plenty. I must unearth it and see if it has GT recipes. Besides, I get other stuff from Misfits Market that I have rarely if ever purchased, and that cookbook should inspire me.

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A friend who gardens got back to me with the way he uses green tomatoes: chopped up and added to apples when making a crisp or pie, to add some tartness to the fruit. Soooo…I’m thinking of using them in a compote that contains prunes and dried apricots. That should make the compote a good accompaniment for pork or chicken.


Well, I haven’t used them yet. Both were green and hard upon arrival, and 10 days on, haven’t softened. But one, puzzlingly, is turning orange-ish. Maybe the green holdout was closer to the ice packs in the shipping box…

To start, yes, but unless I am misreading the recipe, you puree most are all of the ham into the soup when you blend the soup?

I didn’t.  I added the diced ham at the end like a topping.

FWIW, when I grew tomatoes (too much wildlife around to eat them in our current yard) we used to have lots of green tomatoes I needed to pick when the frost hit.

I’d place the tomatoes in a paper bag with an apple to encourage ripening. Checked the tomatoes often. Though the skins would thicken as they ripened slowly, sometimes we’d have garden tomatoes for salad until about Thanksgiving (depending on frost date).

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Aha, much better.

Possible to have your green tomato sauce recipe? I’ve got quite a lot of unripe ones this year. TIA.

Sure. I’ve made this a few times. It’s very nice.

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Great! I still have some last basil from the garden. It will be for dinner tonight! Thanks!

You’re welcome! Hope you like it.

Interesting, green tomato tastes like a new unknown vegetable. I ran out of pine nuts and substituted with almond flakes. Tasted similar to a pasta sauce I know, with cherry tomatoes, herbs, white wine vinegar, garlic and some parmesan. Will make the dish again.

I might try this way, maybe tempura or a batter like in the above mentioned post.

Also consider pickling them. I pickle my green grape tomatoes and use them as a martini garnish (it’s called a tomolive, and you can also buy them).

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Do you have a recipe for the pickles? I have a few green cherry ones and a dozen big ones still on the trees outside. A bunch of them are brought indoors a few days ago are turning red.

In the past, I had a few and could easily dissimulated them in sauce or stew with other ingredients, but this year, there are just too much, I guess the fact that we had a whole month of October and half November raining didn’t help things at all.

I have two. You don’t need to can either of them; just stick them in the fridge 'til they taste right.


Thanks a lot! Never really pickle anything, this will be an adventure.

Be careful. Once you start, it’s hard to stop. In the fridge right now, I have pickled jalapenos, pickled coriander seeds, and a container of brine left over from the dill pickles I made over the summer, because I like to have a sip every now and then.

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Just one question on the Deasy‘s recipe, how long will the pickles be ready?

3-5 days, in my experience.

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