Garlic Bread: weird but delicious

I discovered this recipe from a girl I was dating many years ago (who was a GREAT baker). While I agree the mayo sounds a little weird, it is amazing.

First, this is best with sliced sourdough (like the slices you’d get from a hemispheric loaf).

Start with a half to full cup of mayo (best foods or better), and add 3-6 cloves finely minced garlic. Stir together and add enough paprika to get a light salmon color. Refrigerate for at least one hour.

Preheat oven to 350F.

Butter slices liberally with salted butter. If you use unsalted butter, sprinkle lightly with kosher salt.

Add a fairly liberal layer of the mayo/garlic spread, and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese. Then bake on a cookie sheet for 15+ minutes. You have to bake this as grilling or toasting will not allow the garlic to mellow out.

Also… while you can use parmigiano reggiano for this, just crappy old Kraft Parmesan works better than you’d think it would. It is not as melty as PR, and stands up a little better.

The end result is a creamy, garlic taste, soft and moist in the center, crispy on the edges, and chewy in between.


Sounds retro, rich and good. Maybe cut into smaller pieces for an hors d’oeuvre? You probably wouldn’t need anything else to eat.

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I have to admit that doesn’t sound very appetizing with mayo as the main ingredient of the spread (at least for me mayo has a very limited room in the culinary world and that mainly in small quantities). Have you considered roasting a whole garlic head (covered in aluminium foil) for a longer time in the oven to get this sweet, garlicky flavor and than mix with the other ingredients

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I have tried garlic bread dozens of ways… but this one sticks out. Like I said, it’s weird, and doesn’t sound right. Just make enough for one slice and let me/us know what you think.

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Thanks for posting this recipe @ScottinPollock - I’ve heard of similar versions of this, and it definitely has its fans. I’ll give it a try soon, and report back.

Am I understanding correctly that you keep the slices in a loaf shape to bake, or do you lay them on a baking sheet separately?

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Crucial question…which brand of mayo?

Good question! This might be a great way to use up the Kewpie I’m not overly fond of…




Mayonnaise undergoes a magical transformation when you bake it or cook it, especially with Parmesan cheese. I like to make grilled cheese with mayo and Parmesan on the outside - it creates an amazing crust on the bread. This recipe will have a similar effect I’m sure.

Personally I wouldn’t use Kewpie for this application. The sweetness would be off-putting for me. Speaking of mayonnaise, I recently bought a tub of Ken’s premium mayo at Restaurant Depot because they were out of Hellman’s extra heavy, my usual favorite. The Ken’s is REALLY good - might be my new favorite. Definitely recommended if you like a tangy mayo.


The late and lamented cheese and tuna frenchees from Kings Food Hosts from Nebraska used mayonnaise as the coating, along with corn flakes.


I make half to three quarter inch slices from a hemispherical loaf, and then lay them flat on a thin rimless cookie sheet. If you use a rimmed baking sheet leave some distance between the rim and the crust. You want as much surface area as possible exposed to both the sheet and the air.

When serving, I usually cut each half moon shaped slice in half and stack.


BestFoods or Hellman’s Real Mayonaise (no lite or low fat options).

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Doesn’t sound that weird to me - I’ll give it a try for sure.

Mayo is essentially oil . . . my grandmother used to cover her turkey in mayo before roasting, my mother still does . . . .


I have used it for grilled cheese. I use mayo mixed with lemon juice as a quick sauce for asparagus and boiled artichokes.
I’ve also been using mayo when breading chicken or fish, before baking or frying. Last night, mayo went into a Waldorf salad.

I use mayo as an ingredient more than I use it as a sandwich spread.
@Lambchop , maybe some of these ideas will work for your Kewpie.


Making a couple slices of this tonight to compliment a Mediterranean salad… and just curious if any of you have tried it… and if so what did you think?

I totally get how the whole can be better than the sum of the parts. This weird little recipe yields a surprisingly delicious result. My sister introduced me to these, she has been making them for years, everyone loves them. Baking them in a toaster oven adds to the delightful tackiness of the recipe
Definitely not necessary, but I always add a pinch of cayenne and top with snipped chives or dill


I made a version of this tonight, using a stick of butter mixed with about 2T. mayo, plus 2 large cloves of crushed fresh garlic, a 1/2t. granulated garlic, a pinch of salt and a few tablespoons of grated parmesan. Slathered it all over a sliced baguette and broiled until brown. HEAVEN. Better than any all-butter garlic bread I’ve ever made, for sure.