Flattened By The Flu? Appetite Or No?

That’s a great idea @Babette. I even have some frozen lamb stifado I could put over it, once I get my taste for meat back.

Today was 2 Ellenis lemon curd Greek yogurt, and a few crackers with Camembert.

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I have a really compromised immune system & take immunosuppressants on top of it. Miso soup helps with the side effects of antibiotics. Hope you recover quickly and get your dental stuff sorted as soon as possible


Get well, get well soon, we want you to get well! (Elaine on Seinfeld)


DH opened a can of Progresso for me today. Take my word for it. Stick with menudo.
Seriously, we both had the super flu shot recommended for seniors. I think it is a lie saver. Aches and chest congestion but no fever. i’ll take the abbreviated flu any day! Heartily recommend this level shot.


Pretty sure I had the age appropriate one but not positive. Also had the first of the 2 pneumonia vaccines, as well as the “new” shingles shot that makes you sick. Believe me, I am a firm believer in vaccinations. I too, escaped the chest congestion.

You know, I’ve never had menudo, because I find tripe to be off putting, although I’ve never even tasted tripe.

Hope you’re totally well soon @pilgrim.


When I moved to New England from Ohio in the early 80’s, Progresso soups were the go to instead of Campbell’s concentrate slime. But no longer. If you want carrot soup then that’s your brand.

Second this. I’ve been laid up all weekend. The first day I had no appetite and just had liquids but the second night I got some hot and sour soup takeout from around the corner and it his the spot. I like things with some spice/heat when I’m sick.

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Husband has been down for 6 days. Defatted turkey soup (with rice and veggies) for each of those days. Today was the first day he wanted something other than soup for lunch. I take that as a good sign.

Here’s what I made, with fried tofu versus meat, for the requested lunch today.

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No flu this year, got the shot.

When I’ve gotten the flu in the past, the only thing I crave in the beginning is a float. Coke, root beer or 7-up and ice cream. Sweet, cold (soothes the throat) and you get some calories.

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…“new” shingles shot When it first came out, I had the original shingles shot. Still, I came down with shingles while travelling. It was bad but from what I can tell, it was NOTHING compared to the real thing. I’ve been advised to have the new shot but “just haven’t got around to it”. Thanks for jerking my chain.

I got the shot too but still got the flu and it was pretty brutal. I’m hoping it would have been worse without the shot and that I saved myself some suffering.


Husband’s down tonight with stomach problem (again). Fish soup and tuna tonight.

I had a raging hangover and flu while visiting San Marcos, TX circa 1980. My soon to be veterinarian friend assured me menudo would cure my ills.

It didn’t but the hair of the dog helped.


DO get the new shingles shot. It is way WAY better than the old shot - the old one was 50% effective (and did wear off). This one? 90% effective and I believe good for 10 years.

If I may chime in. I just had my second of two shots a few weeks ago. Good to go for a few years.

Do note that my arm was more sore than usual after a vaccination. Not particularly painful, just sore for about a day.

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Totally agree with you @retrospek, and canned, carrots are pretty damn awful…

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Lol @jcostiones, and as I know you know, Menudo is a Sunday staple most everywhere Mexican food is made. I do find very greasy foods to be helpful, like cheeseburgers and fries or cheese enchiladas. Coca Cola too.

Indeed, sometimes only the hair of the dog can make you feel a bit better.

As a judicious grown up, I almost never have after effects, and strive not to. But any who drink or have experimented with ETOH have been there! No damn fun!

Thanks @Kavlis, I’d never heard that about miso soup, but will give that a try soon.

The best menudo I’ve had is cooked by an ancient woman ar rhe Laney flea market. Her son translated her method for me: bring the tripe to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. Dump the water. D this again, Starting once more with fresh water cook the tripe until foek tender. Add sesonings and cook another 15 minutes.

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Day 7, and I hope close to the end. Have been really happy with my “flu food”. DH doesn’t cook but was 150% willing to try to create or bring in anything that would be palatable,. I had no appetite and as little taste. I told him to go to the “soup bin” in the pantry and pull our any oddball “where did this come from” cans. You know the kind…the ones no one will take responsibility for buying or eating. So we’ve barrelled through Progresso chicken and dumpling, Campbell’s chicken and noodle, Bar Harbor clam “zuppa” and another New England clam soup… I’ve had him cut the soups with water rather than milk, and am now adding a tablespoon of hot sauce -> I can actually taste them! One bowl for breakfast, one for dinner. A bowl of unadorned blueberries most meals. And always available, Meyer lemon juice and water , i.e., no sugar lemonade, the way I like it, Last night I got a little crazy and shared some of his defrosted chili. Wowzer! Real food.

Except for residual symptoms (sounding like Vesuvuis erupting when I cough and a St. Bernard when I sneeze0, I feel good. And I’m down 7 pounds from day one. Amazing also what cutting out the daily wine ration can do…