Easy Summer Recipes

For all you NYT recipe lovers. You know who you are :wink:


FWIW, I’d already saved 2 or 3 recipes from this collection, but most of them sound pretty meh to moi.

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Coincidentally, I have two gift links left for the month on this last day of May. Exactly two of the recipes on this list are among my tried and true favorites (although I gotta say that smashed chicken burger looks pretty good):


The gazpacho recipe is one I’d saved :smiling_face:

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Oooo a posset!


I’ve made that posset with both Meyer and common lemons. Distinctly different in intensity and flavor, but both good.


love the highest ranked comment on that gazpacho recipe:

“I’ve made this twice. The first time I strained it, per recipe. It was good, seemed more like juice than gazpacho. Would probably be good with a little vodka and Tabasco. But I missed the fiber, so the next time I puréed the heck out of it, but did not strain. I liked it better. Drank the vodka straight. :)”


Not much here grabbed me, but the Brookies are pretty damn good (and worked well when made gluten-free). Gift link!

I have also realized that the word “jammy” makes me cringe (like “moist” does).


Hah hah!

More comments on straining and the NYT recipe in this gazpacho thread.

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What flour do you like to use to make GF?

For baking cookies and cookie-like things and basic cakes, I have had good luck with King Arthur Flour’s Measure for Measure - it’s a wheat-free blend intended to be used as a 1:1 swap for regular wheat flour. M4M is a little grainy and so I generally let the batter rest for up to 30 minutes after mixing so everything fully hydrates. I’ve heard good things about another brand called Cup 4 Cup, same concept, and have used a copycat version in no-knead bread.

Baking bread or anything yeasted, where normally gluten provides a significant structure, is trickier. I get better results using individual flours and adding xanthan gum and/or psyllium husk for structure. Check out the Loopy Whisk blog for the science behind gluten-free breads.

(Feel free to message me if you have more questions, I don’t want to hijack this thread!)

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Made the posset/custard - report here :slight_smile:

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Making my way thru these NYT suggestions. Thxs for the link.

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You’re very welcome :smiling_face:

That’s what this site is all about: sharing all that is good & wonderful about food.

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