Do You Send Food Gifts For The Holidays?


Thanks @greygarious! I ordered some of these and they came yesterday and are FABULOUS! A bag for me and one each for 3 friends, we are all going to be happy campers!


My family continues the tradition of making my Grandmother’s toffee every year (but I long ago stopped making her pulled peanut brittle). We have three family members that get their candy mailed, so I guess I technically do send food gifts! At the office, we get a lot of cookie baskets, See’s candy, wine, and the ubiquitous fruit and summer sausage packages.


If you don’t mind sharing, I’d be so excited for the toffee recipe! My dad loves it, and I was thinking I should try making some one of these days…

I am delighted that YOU are! Which ones did you order? One favorite afternoon breaks is a cup of Constant Comment tea, a shortbread cookie, and an Apricotking dried pear or three slip-pit dried apricots.

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I got the Slip-Pits because you said they were the best. Hands down the best dried apricots I’ve ever eaten. Delicious!


Pressed shortbread cookies as designed by our mother 60+ years ago!


Every time this source comes up I’m tempted, but can’t forget my local sources. They sure are prettier than the un- sulfured Blenheims I get from nearby Capay valley, and packaged by a company in my town. Besides appearance, what is better?

To me, they have the best flavor and best texture of any dried apricot I have ever eaten. They are velvety soft and rich and intensely apricot flavored and completely amazing. I gave them to a friend today who is a dried apricot aficionado and she went nuts and concurred they are the best ever.


I believe Apricotking has both sulphured and un. The slip-pits gain added flavor from the pit remaining in the uncut fruit while it dries.

The first time I ordered slippies, I was confused because while the website described the pits being removed from the dried fruit, mine still contained them. I wondered if they were slipped in AFTER drying. Turns out that a batch was accidentally overlooked, but these were actually even better than the proper slippies. They tasted like they’d been infused with a bit of amaretto. I always ask if they are available - sometimes they are, but rarely. Since amaretti cookies get their almondy flavor not from almonds but from apricot kernels, this makes sense. Stone fruits are related to almonds, and I choose not to fret about laetrile.


@GretchenS @greygarious thanks! I’m going to check them out sooner or later.

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Wow! You could open a shop!

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This year, this thread is so far homemade food. Food related theme here.

I got us a cocktail shaker set. Husband got us an ice cream machine. Sugar overdose! :scream:

The texture of the first verbena apple lime sorbet was much superior to our old maker with pre-frozen bowl. Need to find more gelato and ice cream recipes!!!


I would never say that either!

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Why not? I like to provide high quality presents. And if it is the special from Fish and Caviar, it’ll be the best surprise for me. And, I hope, for my friends and relatives, as well.


Just one of many food gifts we received this year. My friend doesn’t celebrate Xmas, per se, but makes these every year. Too cute to eat.


Reason for delayed mailing of food gifts this year…


North Carolina Food Haul

Outsourced the photography - bad idea. What you can’t see clearly is a rub, some hot sauce & BBQ sauce. The Dishing Charlotte magazine is the inaugural edition, nice little glossy. This was all gifted to us by our great friends. Not pictured is the stuff I haven’t ordered yet - Duke’s Mayo, Carolina Gold Rice, maybe even a big jug of peanut oil. Peanut oil is very pricey here & comes in small bottles. Even in the Asian markets, surprisingly. Oh and I want to get some Autrey’s Fry Mix.


35 lb of peanut oil from Costco, Kirkland brand is $25.00
Have a collection of large empty Ciroc Vodka bottles, so they are transferred there for easy handling.

Thanks @ccj, but the Costco’s out here don’t carry it. It’s worth double checking though.