Deviled Eggs - your favorite version, tips, and tricks?

Fed ex ground $7.53 for four!

Two things:

  1. Halve eggs, put yolks into a medium-mesh wire strainer, then rub them through that with a wooden spoon into a bowl. Then you can simply stir your other ingredients in instead of having to mix and mash at the same time, and the texture is much better and more consistent. Don’t forget some salt to taste!

  2. Yes, I use wasabi mayonnaise too. When Mrs. O is making them she adds a touch of green food coloring in to make them greener, and then we both add a dash of good paprika – sweet, hot or smoked – which bounces off the green very nicely.


Nice tip about using the mesh strainer. I’m going to try that out next time.

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Tell you what: It changed my life, as far as deviled eggs are concerned. It’s a bit of work, but it saves much more and simplifies the process. I love them but used to dread making them. Now I’ll throw a bunch together anytime anybody wants some. And if all I have are very fresh eggs, which can be impossible to shell cleanly, the ready-boiled ones at the grocery store, Trader Joe’s or Kroger, are perfectly adequate for the job.


This photo is from a couple of years ago. I was bored one Saturday afternoon so I boiled up a half dozen eggs and made six different versions.

I don’t recall exactly what each one was but horseradish, mayo , mustard, bacon, hot sauces, pickled serranos, and a few other things were involved. I shared with one other person and none of them made it to dinner time.


I left this year’s retreat with more than two dozen instant pot hard cooked eggs. I’ll be trying these ideas with wild abandon!


If it’s a doz eggs or so I like using my potato ricer. Not efficient for a few eggs tho.
I also use a small amount of soft butter with the mayo. After chilling it makes the filling a bit firmer and I like the texture better.


Two thing I seem to have trouble with are hard boiled eggs and pasta. Once I got a instant pot I get perfect hard boiled eggs and pasta every time.


In recent times I have switched from boiling eggs to steaming them. Easy peasy and a better result. Also don’t bother with some sort of steaming basket; just place eggs (room temp preferably) carefully in pot in a single layer and add water up to about half way on eggs, or less. Under high heat the water boils quickly; then reduce heat and do them for 9-10 minutes, or 11 if starting with cold eggs. This leaves the yolks a bit creamy. Run the pot under cold water and shake to crack eggs. Peel immediately – steaming makes them easier to peel.

I don’t do multi flavors of the eggs themselves; I just do the usual mayo/mustard thing and fill the whites. Then the fun begins. I top them all with something; capers, smoked salmon with a tiny sprig of dill, a rolled anchovy, a slice of olive, cube of blue cheese, dollop of wasabi mayo, bit of pimento, bit of b&b pickle, bit of bacon or salami, shot of sriracha, basically a small piece of something strongly flavored with an umami or salt hit. Whatever is around the house.


I agree, Aldi’s is excellent. Too good.

Food Network’s 50 Deviled Eggs

Lotsa inspiration here!


Another take on egg prep…ramen eggs. Ever try this?


Just a word of warning - I have used my Vitamix a few times recently to prepare the filling, with good results until the last time. I either added too much mayonnaise or let the Vitamix go too long (or both), but it basically turned the filling into a super thick mayonnaise-like paste that didn’t taste like egg yolks anymore. Really, really unappetizing. I will have to try willowen’s trick of sieving them next time - less risky!

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Interesting - I’d have thought the vitamix would have been too deep, but emulsification makes sense.

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These are just soy sauce eggs right? Yes, tried them, didn’t love them.

Have you ever made soy sauce poached chicken? It’s delicious, and one of the uses for the leftover liquid is these eggs.

Nooo and it looks delicious. Also addresses the adage which came first…chicken vs egg thing :grin:


I love the chicken (you can freeze the poaching liquid and reuse it btw).

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I searched. I may have posted this before and missed it.

I use a piece of onion to make a sail and dots–one each–of red and green salsa to make a sailboat.

I like a very small amount of caviar on top of the filling.

Sweet relish in the filling.

In quantity a pastry bag is a help.

I’m still working on the best approach to peeling that leaves the eggs looking pristine.

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Steaming has worked best for me for both peeling and tenderness of the whites. I use a steamer basket in my little PC (without pressure).

Kenji’s first piece for the NYT was on this topic (marginally insane, but detailed…).


I’ve tried steaming but haven’t gotten the yolks as fully cooked as my wife demands. I can only say she is NOT a poached egg sort of girl. Thanks though. I will circle back and give it another try.

I recently came across another approach that is heavy on strength of materials and thermodynamics which as an engineer I find interesting.

I’m not a fan at all of Mr. López-Alt. Too many articles that move along nicely until some key element has a glaring error of fact. How many more am I not picking up? I put him in the same category as the Kardashians: famous and popular because they are famous and popular.

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