Could you enumerate your stuff?

Yes… and no. With the exception of four cabinets I have under the bar (which contains almost never used barware, jugs, mugs, dishware, and paper plates), I know what drawer/cabinet everything is in.


I know what is where in the kitchen, mostly without thinking about it. And if I wasn’t home and someone called me, I could tell them where to find just about anything I use regularly–providing someone else didn’t move it in the meantime.


I’m afraid to try – in fact I know I may have problems. I have a strong idea in the kitchen but then stuff stored under the benches and more down in the cellar on storage racks. I cannot name everything offhand, but I recall buying it. You start getting to bakeware and I’m know I’m in trouble. Then you get to serveware and the like and there are terrines and such that I know I have but would have to start a search party


We are doing those too? I was just thinking about stuffs within the kitchen.

(post deleted by author)

Ah, but are there things you don’t use regularly? That’s the hard part!

Let your conscience be your guide!

Hmmm… I was going by the title “your stuff”. So I feel like all your secret hidey-holes and your expansion rooms where you keep your overflow is fair game.


You are showing the wisdom on this point that Marie Kondo espouses.

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