Corona dining Houston

No…I’ve been renting an apartment in a 55+ complex.


Do they know you’re breaking the age rules?


Where can I get a good baked potato? The big oven is off limits unless we get a tropical system.

I’m a simple man of the people with simple needs. Here are my requirements:

Baked and fluffy, not microwaved
Copious amounts of butter, black pepper, and a little salt
No BBQ, cheese, or chives as I don’t go down that road

Talk to me people.

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I’ve lived a long time. I’ve NEVER had better than a home baked 12/16 oz spud ANYWHERE.


Roegels BBQ sells a huuuuuge baked potato. While I’m sure most people get chopped meat of some variety or other, I’m sure they’d sell you one without.

Caveat: I don’t go the BBQ joints for baked taters so I cannot give a qualitative opinion on said spud, but quantitatively, you should at least check it out online to see if it looks like your desired subject.

Lemme know if you look at it and what you think.

(Shouldn’t there be a baked potato themed joint somewhere in MidTown? Ten thousand toppings to choose from?)


Somewhere I saw an article or TV segment on the stuffed baked potato factory, of which there are a couple of locations I think.

Jasons deli is also known for their giant bakers, but I have not had one in a very long time.

I bought a big Breville Smart Oven which bakes potatoes and a great many other things beautifully all summer long without heating up the kitchen.


I gave up on those big baked potatoes from BBQ places years ago. They just couldn’t get it right. But by the looks of things, when I get takeout, other people aren’t so picky.


We got a Cuisinart air fryer last year but never unboxed because it looked like we were going to have to move. I assume it will do a potato.

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We’re doing Rudy’s, we just haven’t done well with Roegels for various reasons.


We did Rudy’s and it was perfect, soft and fluffy with lots of butter, the only downside was the little pepper packets, we’ll bring our own next time. There was BBQ of course, moist brisket with beautiful bark.

You line up, grab a beverage, order and eat, no table service the way it should be. We were stuck behind a Little League team and one of the darlings was intent on touching every beer and coke out of the hundreds in the large iced coolers. I was able to grab a couple of beers his grubby paws could not reach. Although I was practicing social distancing his mom must have heard a snide remark I made because she told him to stop which kind of stopped him.

There were six Houston Police officers there geared up and ready to take on the dregs of society on a Saturday night while putting their lives on the line for us. I went over and thanked them for their service. They seemed genuinely appreciative.


Not easy being a police officer nowadays that’s for sure.


I forgot to mention the make up of the six officers and this reflects Houston’s diversity. One Hispanic male and female, an Asian, and three white male officers. When I was growing up the force was pretty much white guys and believe me they did not like “long hairs” like me. I’m sure it was even less enjoyable for other folks.


Get used to that, at least they had paper packets. We won’t see shakers for a long while. I made a mental note recently to carry small s&p shakers and crystal hot sauce to restaurants. Only been to 3 so far but none of that on the table as recommended.

When I dine in at whataburger, I can tear 3 or 4 of those pepper packets at a time. I love pepper on fries and lots of it.


The Wifeacita bombards the ketchup at Whataburger with pepper, I don’t eat a lot of fries but they have the best. She bought Morton salt and pepper shakers for our next outing.


I went to El Tiempo Washington today for chips, salsa, and queso that we can enjoy tonight as we watch the Astros march back to the World Series.

It was about 130 when I got there and while there were patrons at the properly distanced tables it wasn’t the normal raucous drunken Friday afternoon scene.

I ordered a margarita while I waited and it was delicious unlike the ones when it was to go only. They were atrocious.


The margs are not the same “to go” I noticed. I can’t find the game on my tv listing, what channel is it on?

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ATSW which Is 674 Direct Tv at 8:10.

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Shoot, every time I pass by this café, I considered stopping in but never did. Now it’s gone for good too!

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I guess this is a sure sign that government of any size is not ever to be trusted.

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