Central London and beyond suggestions ardently sought

Hello again all, a prodigal daughter returns…presumptuously with a request.
We are booked for 5 days in London in early January. I’ve been researching restaurants like mad but am daunted by the amount of information available. Looking for suggestions for Indian, Chinese (of course), new and trad British, Italian, French…pretty much anything excellent. Price reasonably not an object. Loved Hibiscus (which is long gone) and Bentley’s when we were last there (2010).
Any guidance very much appreciated.


Welcome back, old friend. I hope you’ve been keeping well. I’ve missed you.

Traditional British - gotta be Rules. Probably my favourite restaurant in the capital

Indian - I always liked Cafe Spice Namaste when it was in the Whitechapel area. Not been to its new location in Docklands but my guess is is it’s still as good.

And if you liked Bosi’s cooking at Hibiscus (as we did - even before he moved to London), then his restaurant is now “Claude Bosi at Bibendum”. We went in 2019 and thought he was still very much on point for high end food. Iconic building, as well.

Unfortunately, we only been to London once since Covid (that was the Rules meal - went for lunch, there & back in the day), so not up to date with anything new.


Are any of the Ottolenghi places of interest to you? We went to the one in Spitalfields. Nice, but not too exciting.

PS: I have your kumquat sauce. We’ll have to plan a handover in the city — maybe when you get back from your trip.

You might like reading some recent restaurant reviews to help you decide? I sometimes use Grace Sent and Jay Rayner’s reviews in the Guardian and Observer to inform my choices, and they are fun reads regardless.


Hi @buttertart

Some previous suggestions and threads for Indian that might be of interest:


Claude Bosi has another restaurant which has gotten good reviews. I haven’t been myself as I’m not a connoisseur of French cooking.


For Michelin 2-star level fancy Indian, Gymkhana in Mayfair:

It’s been quite a while since I last dined there but it was evident they were heading into Michelin star territory.

The same restaurant group have a small chain of more informal eateries serving Sri Lankan cuisine. I’ve enjoyed the food in the Soho branch and it’s a must-visit for my sister whenever she visits London from Switzerland:


My Sri Lankan friend in London recommends Rambutan in Borough Market as well, for Sri Lankan food. I haven’t been but it’s on my to-do list:


I’ll just add a few threads that might be of interest, @buttertart

London Sunday Roast options?

This is a thread I started for another Londoner (a friend who is a British expat, who also happens to have been raised in LdnOnt.)

Definitely visit Rules. I have been twice, thanks to @Harters.

You might also consider an Ottolenghi resto or Honey & Co.

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Who’s is paying £18 for potatoes as a side dish?

Would recommend The French House, we had a very nice lunch on our trip in 2023.
(scroll down a bit)


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I’ve been focused on Towpath ever since I first read about it on one my most favorite food blogs Lottie and Doof. Tim’s was one of the food blogs that I stumbled on way before the term influencer ever came into being. In any case, Towpath was one of his and his husband’s favorite places in London and it could very well be one of mine when we get back to the UK.


The menu does mention it serves 2 people. I’d say £9 per person for a side dish is reasonable for a sit-down French restaurant on Fulham Road, which is one of the swankier parts of town!


Having loved Hibiscus I am sure it’s worth it.
Booked a dinner there.
Thanks Harters and all!


I don’t tend to frequent Michelin Starred places as the prices are pretty crazy these days, but at the more wallet friendly end, I’d suggest the following.
Dishoom is a very reliable option, not Michelin star but consistently good, fuss-free (24 hour slow cooked black daal with ruby chicken and naan bread would be my death row meal of choice).
Likewise Noble Rot, their lunch menu is an absolute steal, you won’t get a better value 3 course meal in London.
Smoking Goat for Thai, in Shoreditch, if you like it spicy and authentic, regional Thai specialities.


I spent some time eating around London this fall - I was solo eating lunches.

Consider St. John Bread and Wine rather than St. John. I was seated without a reservation at lunch and found the service and meal more relaxed that at St. John where we ate years ago. I will say that one plate can be well thought out while the next is just the ingredients handled well.

I enjoyed Noe Rot and will go back.

If you’re on the west side of town consider Six Portland Road. I’ve eaten well there and the lunch set menu are often plates off the main menu.

I had lunch at Cornus. I went for the pigeon which was very very good. The prices on the wine list were high.

I went to Wildflower - I think based on a Grace Dent review. I wasn’t thrilled with the food. Seemed the restaurant was as much about looking good as it was about the food.

I had a wonderful meal at Portland restaurant (on Great Portland Street) and also like Clipstone from the same group.

On the east side of London - a couple of gastro-pubs in the Islington area. I really enjoyed a Sunday lunch at the Drapers Arms - as much for the crowd as the food and had a fine lunch at The Baring which feels like it’s in the middle of nowhere.


Apologies that I am responding so late. I spend a LOT of time in London for work. My favorite meal in 2024 was at Mambow in Hackney. It is Malaysian and is absolutely fantastic. It is definitely a hike from the center, but worth it. Close to that is the Hackney Church (St. John at Hackney) and Sutton House and Breaker’s Yard (a Tudor courtier’s house dating back to 1535).

Speedboat Bar is excellent and spicy thai in Soho, and Mamapen, a popup in a traditional pub in Soho, is the only Cambodian spot in town.

Dim Sum Duck was really good but not worth the wait in line.

We did both Gymkhana and Bibi over the last two years. Bibi is most excellent, but I enjoyed Gymkhana more. I feel like Bibi is a little more haute than Gymkhana which is very interesting given that the latter has 2 stars compared to Bibi’s 1.

For more traditional places, the Devonshire and the Guinea Grill are excellent for carnivores. If you like French, Bouchon Racine was absolutely excellent.


Welcome back Suzy! It’s been awhile since Chowhound (as souschef). Missed you :hugs:
Nothing to add to this thread; just welcoming you!


Aww big hug!