CABBAGE! Your favorite recipes?

Shorten the cooking time.

If you only cook it til it’s tender it won’t smell.

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FWIW, you are serendipitously trendy. On public radio the other day, food writer Corby Kummer mentioned that stuffed cabbage is the latest “in” thing in better restaurants. They are creating a variety of stuffings, so it seems to m to be a natural outgrowth of the popularity of dumplings.


I need a talking head.


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i’ve always been a fan of a raw cabbage slaw, actually, kind of an expanded version of what you’d put on a taco. shaved cabbage, some type of acid, salt, pepper, whatever fat you want (massaging like a kale salad optional), and then let it sit for 10 minutes. if i’m feeling less lazy, blooming spices, even in the microwave, in whatever fat is used works great too for a little extra.


Reminding me of curtido and piklitz.

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Curtido! And with it some pupusas:heart_eyes:


that’s awesome! i’ll have to try that (including the long method too).

Rewatching the episode, and Mei says

“duck fat roasted cabbage with a trout vinigrette…I would typically use anchovy in this type of vinigrette to make it really salty but I used trout instead”…other comments “the vinigrette, …subtle and lovely” “the vinegar really pops”…“crunch, juiciness, sweetness from the cranberries”. “the cabbage took on such al oveley texture…crunchy,smokey, …pure comfort food.”


Wow, this looks indeed good, will try one day!

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Well since i made it again yesterday i’ll add my crazy stewed cabbage recipe here for anyone interested…! It’s kind if like if you combined the Hazan smothered cabbage with the flavor profile of african peanut stew.
I use my big ass pot which makes approximately one crapton, or six hungry vegetarian entree portions. Note I rarely properly measure anything…

  • saute two chopped big onions in generous oil, sometimes i use coconut oil this time i used olive oil- prob 1/4c or so, and a big punch of kosher salt. Let it go on medium heat a good long while as you prep other stuff, stir once in a while.
  • when totally wilted and tilting towards carmelized add in 3-4 smashed garlic cloves and an entire little can 6oz of tomato paste. Stir til it starts sticking a lot, add a big splash of wine or beer, or if neither are around use cider vinegar
  • add one small to medium head finely sliced cabbage
  • add spices, usually generous white pepper and a TB or more of caraway seeds. Fennel seeds if you’re out of caraway.
  • add two big spoons of dijon mustard
  • add a big 28oz can of siced tomatoes
  • add a small spoon of better than bullion vegetable
  • scoop about 1/2 cup of smooth all natural peanut butter (i like the stuff from the grind it fresh machine) into a bowl and whisk with hot water so it’s more of a sauce, then add into the big pot and stir it all together.
  • poke around the cupboards and drain/rinse whatever beans are in hand. Black beans are great, as are garbanzos or white beans.
  • make sure there’s enough liquid all the cabbage is wet, put lid half on, turn heat to low and let it simmer at least an hour and half.
    **stir it randomly because the tomato paste and peanut butter like to burn on the bottom otherwise

Taste and adjust for salt, add a splash of cider vinegar if needed. It’s “done” when the cabbage is silky and everything is a darker different color.
Great as is, or with a side wedge of dark pumpernickel toast.
Vegan, gluten free, high fiber, about 15g protein per serving, cheap, warming and leftovers freeze well.
Not photogentic!


Is Cabbage Strudel mentioned?

I came across this when reading the cookbook Luisa Weiss’s Classic German Baking.

•1¼ cups, scooped and leveled, minus 1 tablespoon/150g all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
• Pinch of salt
• 3 tablespoons sunflower oil or other neutral vegetable oil
• ⅓ cup/80ml cold water, plus more if needed

• 2 tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil
• 5¼ ounces/150g Speck or slab bacon, diced
• 1 large yellow onion, diced
• 1 small head green cabbage, cored and shredded
• ¼ teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon caraway seeds
• Freshly ground black pepper
• 3½ tablespoons/50g unsalted butter, melted”

If anybody wants the recipe, let me know.


Not conventional, but sounds tasty!


I dunno - looks photogenic to me.

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Looks like I “liked” this, but right now I’m “LIKE liking” it!

Do you serve it as a main dish, or a side? Do you know what the cabbage might be in ounces or pounds? Does it matter what kind?

ETA; okay, read again, and it says “Great as is, or with a side wedge of dark pumpernickel toast.”. Thanks.

I have a good size bowl as a main dish, it’s very hearty, especially with a bit of bread alongside. Could totally work as a smaller portion to be a side for an omni protein too.
I just buy regular green cabbage and make sure to slice it fairly thin. Probably 2lbs or so size cabbage. I always just make a big batch because extras freeze really well- might need a splash more broth or water when reheating but great to pull a ready to heat and eat meal from the freezer.


Tonight I had the privilege of meeting some new HO friends at one of the best restaurants around here.

Some nashville hot chicken and jalapeno slaw.

Picture credit to @paryzer :slight_smile:


That’s a stretch, but we’ll give it to ya. :wink:


I’ve swapped cabbage shreds for rice noodles in Phad Thai. Works great.

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I did something like that, but with duck fat. Oh, wait; that recipe starts whole, then cuts in quarters. I’ve not tried that.

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