As sure as eggs are eggs - it's World Egg Day today

Goan egg curry is reasonably well known - as this recipe from NDTV. So maybe a vindaloo version is an adaptation of two Goan dishes.


When I learned that our resident Indian expert had never heard of the dish before I assumed it might be a British invention/adaptation - like chicken tikka masala, perhaps… but our friend never spent any significant time in the UK, so I have to assume he grew up with it.

I will have to take a closer look at the recipes I linked, or request our friend make it for our next gathering :slight_smile:

I’ll be trying one of those, for sure. Curry weather.

Yes, egg curry in myriad forms is popular all around India, often because it’s the cheapest non-vegetarian protein. But egg vindaloo is like egg tikka masala — mix and match curry and protein. All tasty, even if not the original dish. I’ve certainly eaten more chicken vindaloo than pork at this point in my life :joy:


I don’t know if I have a true favorite egg dish, but my most common way to eat them as a breakfast is to cook 4 XL or jumbo eggs sunny side up or very gently over easy (maximum wet yolk please), tear up 4-5 strips of freshly cooked bacon, and mash the bacon into the eggs on the plate, then scoop the yolky-white-bacon mass onto toast which has been too heavily (in the opinion of some curmudgeons) buttered.

Then cut bites out with a fork and enjoy.

But I also like them pretty much most ways for breakfast, whether scrambled, hard fried, omelet (sautéed mushrooms, onions, thin-sliced ham and cheeses, pleases) etc.

For non-breakfasty stuff, I do love deviled eggs and my current favorite version of that is a sort of Mediterranean style (more hummus than mayo, chopped olives, feta crumbles) that I learned of here when folks were showcasing nice recipes for deviled eggs.

ETA that deviled egg thread is here.


Favorite egg recipe is a tough choice, but Chawanmushi aka Chinese steamed eggs might have to be it.

Love eggs in many forms, though: deviled, soft-scrambled, french-scrambled, masala omelette, bacon omelette, egg curry (many types), just-hard boiled (set whites, “jammy” yolks), fried over-medium, breadcrumb-fried eggs, savory french toast, … phew! There’s definitely more!

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Eggs and sautéed spinach are a great combo, taken to another level with well-browned pan-fried potatoes. Eggs & lox are also great together, and I love egg, walnut & avocado in a winter salad I make.

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Curry is basically India’s stroganoff :joy:

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I don’t know about the stroganoff comparison, but what Indians mean when they use the word curry and what the west means are generally different.


Of course, I think we’re well aware.

As for my OC, the egg vindaloo is obviously just a riff on the more traditional mutton vindaloo. With eggs. And delish.

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I don’t think so. I don’t recall ever seeing an egg vindaloo on a restaurant menu here.

The recipes I posted seem to be from Indians, but I’m obviously no expert on the matter… or should that be mutter? :rofl:

I never saw it in Goa either, only made with Pork. Since Ruchik Randhap is from Karnataka and cites J.B Lobo’s Home Encyclopedia may be it is a Mangalori Recipe?

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Nah, no such origin stories I’m guessing.
As simple as Gravy + Protein or Veg = Dish, so if you like a gravy why not put something you like in it to make a dish?
For eg we had a delicious Mushroom Xacuti last year at a Goan dinner in Brooklyn – not what Xacuti masala was originally intended for, but why not, and it was fabulous!

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my favorite —

never understood the appeal of egg cups — so genteel! if i’m feeling especially decadent, i’ll include the bacon fat…

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l love egg cups, and treasure our soft-boiled egg breakfasts in Germany :smiling_face:


Yes, the perfect food.

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As a wee one until teenage years (and the advent of low cholesterol diet guidelines) I just loved sb eggs with toast ‘logs’ and ma made them best. After the household went practically egg free, I lost my desire for eggs and really couldn’t get into them until early adulthood. For me now it is either scrambled, a deluxe omelet south-of-the-border style, Eggs El Tovar with scramled or an omelet with 'rooms, jack cheese and chives. I’d like to get back into the occasional sb egg. Just gotta get brave, life will be so less complicated.


nothing against egg cups, but i much prefer mixing the egg together with the toast and bacon and eating all together — can’t do that in an egg cup.

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Yeah, I don’t usually have bacon with SBE. When I want bacon I prefer to have it with either fried or scrambled eggs.

But I rarely have bacon in Germany. That’s where the amazing cold cuts, sausages and cheeses come in. Plus freshly baked rolls… a good SBE can stand on its own (plus a touch of salt maybe) :slight_smile: